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Classes were as usual, and Jimin was really really thankful to every god in the world that the hickeys on her neck were not that visible. There's only this pinkish hue that people would misunderstand as a normal pressure mark on her skin rather than something made from an intense make-out. Only on her neck tho, because there are still a lot of visible hickeys on her breast, thigh, and belly.

"How was your weekend, Jimin?", Aeri asked as she walked with the girl towards the location of their next class.

"Nothing special. I just stayed at home".

"It must be nice to have lots of rest", Aeri sighed lightly, not realizing how the other girl turned her head in the other direction. "It's actually kind of tiring to me...", Jimin laughed lightly, trying to brush off the topic. Only god knows how tired she was a few days ago.

While they were walking, suddenly someone stopped them making both Jimin and Aeri stop. When they lifted their heads up to look at who it was, they both felt awkward, because it was someone they didn't know at all.

"Hi!", he said with his smile.

"H-Hi...?", Jimin smiled awkwardly as she stepped closer to Aeri. Before they could escape the awkward situation from going on, Jaeho suddenly came running out of nowhere in their direction, putting his arm on the other guy's shoulder happily.

"Park Jaeho?", Aeri asked, "What are you doing here? Did you know each other?"

"Hi, Jimin, Aeri", he greeted them both before he continued, turning his head to the guy right next to him. "He's a friend of mine", Jaeho answered. The men beside Jaeho just smirked happily while looking at both of them, maybe.

"Hi!", the other guy greeted happily for the second time.

"I'm Yoo Sungjoon", Sungjoon reaches out his hand, trying to shake his hand with Jimin despite the awkward tension between them, but because it was an act of humanity, Jimin shakes his hand back.

"I see...", Jimin answered before Sungjoon pulled his hand off from Jimin, leaving Aeri in a slight confusion. Why did he only shake hands with Jimin?

"Me?", Aeri asked him.

"You don't need to", he simply answered innocently before he shifted his eyes again back to Jimin. Jimin's hand moved onto Aeri's arm, tightening her grip as both of them felt that weird tense he just to them.

When Sungjoon stepped closer to Jimin out of the blue, making the girl startled to death, Jimin squished herself more into her friend's figure, getting more horrified by his weird gesture. "Do you have something to tell me...?", Jimin asked, gulping a few times, remembering that if Minjeong saw this, her wife might create a massacre at the scene.

"Well... actually I had something to ask you"


"Do you have a boyfriend?", he smirked. Jimin was startled when she heard the question but she didn't hesitate to deny it. "No".

"Then... a girlfriend?"

"N-No!", Jimin answered almost quickly, being truthful despite not being so truthful because she never have a girlfriend in her whole life. She only have a wife.

"It's good then", Sungjoon said before he stepped closer to Jimin with his happy smug. Jimin definitely hates that one, flashing her awkward smile, hands tugging at the hem of Aeri's shirt. "Can I have your phone number?", he confessed.

Jimin eyes balled by his words, exchanging glances with Aeri. Like, really? Didn't he feel ashamed at all? Isn't it obvious that Jimin trying so hard to avoid having any conversation with him right now? How couldn't he see it?

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