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Night came and surprisingly, Minjeong was surprised at how fast Jimin excused herself to sleep. The clock did not even hit ten, but Jimin said that she was too tired for the day. The way she acted makes Minjeong even more confused than how she is just now.

Sitting on the couch in the living room alone, thinking. A few minutes passed, but Minjeong still had not get any idea of what was going on. At last, she reached out to her last resort.

She took her phone, calling Ningning's number that she kept inside her contact list for a while now. It didn't take the Chinese more than five seconds to pick up the phone. "Hello," Minjeong's voice was flat as always.

"Minjeong? Wow... I never thought one day you would call my number for real," Ningning gasped on the line in disbelief. She clearly remembered that she gave Minjeong her phone number about a year ago, but Minjeong never reached out even once.

This is surprising.

Minjeong hates to hit around the bush, "What happened to Jimin?" she goes straight to the point.

"A-Ah..." Ningning's voice suddenly came to a halt, but before she could say anything after that, Minjeong asked her one more time. "What happened- to Jimin?" her words came out stronger.

"Uh... Jimin actually asked me not to tell you about this"

"Say it Ningning," Minjeong stated.

The Chinese cough once, "While waiting for me at the convenience store across our campus main gate, someone sexually harassing her-"

"What?" Minjeong cuts her. "Someone sexually harassing her? When? How?" her voice getting higher and colder, enough to kill someone with the tone. Her hands formed into fists as she held her phone tightly in anger.

"I-I... I don't know who it is! Jimin didn't tell me-"

"Ningning..." Ningning swears to god that Minjeong's voice almost sounds like a growl. "I asked you. Who, when, how."

"This afternoon, about an hour before she came to your house," Ningning answered almost immediately like she was begging for mercy, totally feeling guilty for leaving Jimin there alone. "And how..."

Ningning sighed heavily, "He forcefully kissed her-"

"Fuck," Minjeong cursed in her low voice, teeth gritting in anger as hands swept up her hair in desperation. Her jaws clenched, the same as her fist.

Kissing Jimin? Forcefully? Shit. Yu Jimin only belongs for Minjeong to touch, to kiss, to devour. She is her wife after all. How dare that fucking scumbag kissed her wife? Forcefully, even. Did he wish to die?

As if she the Chinese could feel Minjeong's anger from afar, she begs. "Please don't be mad at Jimin. She did nothing wrong. She kept saying that she was feeling guilty towards you all the way back home. She said she felt like she was cheating on you and kept crying. I swear to god, Kim Minjeong if you-"

"I am not-," Minjeong cuts Ningning before she groans out her anger. "I am not mad at her, you know?" Minjeong sighed. "I just-"

Minjeong eyes closed shut in frustration. Her brows furrow right after, messing up her bangs with her hands. "Never mind. Thanks for telling me this."

Ningning couldn't even say anything after that when Minjeong suddenly hung up the phone call. Minjeong headed upstairs towards the guest room where Jimin was sleeping, slowly twisting the doorknob to the room, looking at the figure lying down on the bed in the darkness.

When Minjeong saw the movements of Jimin's shoulder despite how dark the room was, Minjeong stood right beside the wide open door. "You aren't sleeping, are you?"

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