my care

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Jimin was the first one to arrive at the hospital lobby followed by Ningning. She clutched her chest from running, catching her heavy breath as she turned her head towards the three cops right behind her. "What is her room number?" she demands with trembling eyes.

"Fourth floor, ward 401," one of the cops answered before Jimin wasted no time running towards the elevator, almost punching the button. Seeing how her close friend became as pale as a ghost, Ningning reached her hand to stroke Jimin on her back to provide some comfort and assurance despite her not knowing the truth behind Minjeong's condition.

"Come on... hurry up..." Jimin chants since waiting for the elevator feels like hell. She knew she couldn't wait any more when her heart kept drumming, almost feeling like Jimin might puke at any moment from the anxiety. She shifted her step towards the stairs, startling Ningning and the cops to follow after her worriedly.

"Jimin, wait!" Ningning stumbled with her steps as Jimin moved faster than ever.

When Jimin arrived at the fourth floor, sliding the door to the specific room open, her legs gave up as she finally knelt down on the floor right next to Minjeong's bed. This time, with another presence of a person.

She knew this person.

"R-Ryujin? What are you doing here?" Jimin's voice came out weak.

Ryujin and Ningning got extremely panicked that they rushed towards the older girl to help her stand on her two feet. "Gosh, Jimin. Are you alright? What are you doing here?" Ryujin's brows furrow as she leads Jimin towards the seat right next to the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Ningning was the one who asked this time.

The three look into each other in confusion (to be exact, Jimin and Ningning looking at Ryujin in confusion) confused with each other's presence inside the ward with unconscious Minjeong on the bed.

"I mean— I know that Jimin and Minjeong were family related... But, Jimin. Are you okay?" Ryujin asked again as the sorrowful expression on Jimin's face started to become more visible in everyone's eyes. Jimin's eyes got so teary that a drop of tear finally came down her cheek, only to make Ryujin even more confused.

Jimin eyes were stuck on Minjeong's unconscious face. Her hands start to linger onto Minjeong's, while her eyes waver at the sight of her wife.

"Let Jimin be," Ningning tried to shift off the topic. "Now, what are you doing here?" she asked one more time.

"I'm the one who found her by the road. What actually happened here?"

"Where did you found her?" Jimin's sudden question startled the two younger girls, but her eyes still stuck on Minjeong's figure. "Where did you found her, Ryujin?"

"I just came back from a convenience store not far away from my house, and then I saw someone lying unconscious on the road nearby. I was shocked as well when I saw that it was Minjeong," Ryujin explained to them.

"Her leg was bleeding pretty bad and her face looked as pale as a dead person. I was so shocked that I immediately called for help," she continued.

Hearing all those explanations from Ryujin, Jimin realized that Minjeong definitely going through a hard time when she went missing. Looking back at her unconscious wife stuck with wires and a bandaged stomach, Jimin couldn't help herself from crying even more.

Flabbergasted by the view, Ryujin gave Ningning a pat on her shoulder, permitting herself to leave the room and talk to Ningning.

When the two were outside the room, leaving Jimin alone with Minjeong, Ryujin started to stare at Ningning and the Chinese were flustered to look back at her friend. "Uhm... Why are you looking at me like that?" Ningning questions Ryujin who slowly starts to squint her eyes.

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