New Plan

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Osamu, seeking clarification, looked at me with a questioning expression. "Why do you think it's Mori? Anyone could've done it," he pointed out.

I explained further, addressing Osamu's concerns, "The meeting today was for me to join his hunt for the ADA, and for you, Osamu. He's obsessed with you, and that scares me. The timing of the poisoning, right after that meeting, it's too suspicious. Mori has a vendetta, and I won't let him harm us without consequences."

As the weight of the situation settled, Osamu's expression darkened, and he sighed. Turning to me, he spoke with resolve, "I'll never come back to the mafia. That's one thing I did promise Oda. But that doesn't mean I've lost all interest in killing that son of a bitch."

Realizing that Chuuya had remained silent throughout the tense exchange, I turned to him with a gentle plea, "Chuuya, love, look at me. This wasn't your fault, okay?"

I informed everyone, "As far as I know, we need to keep this to ourselves and try to get back the last territory that I lost due to that bastard, Lily. But that's a job for Cory and the others from Squad 4. Now, we need to focus on making Mori stay away from the ADA."

Osamu turned to me and asked, "So, what's the plan, dear? We already need to find out who put the bet on your brother."

"Well," I began, "Fitzgerald, the boss in the South American region, he's the one who did it. But for the Mori problem, we need to go to the ADA."

Chuuya broke the silence, his concern evident as he asked, "You think you're up to it, love? Just don't overdo it."

I returned his smile. "No need to worry; I won't be doing anything more than talking. But you should get back to work; we don't want him getting suspicious of you."

He nodded at me, getting up from the bed, and walked out of the room. I extended my hand to Osamu, signaling him to help me up from the bed.

"Don't worry, love. I'll handle things here," he reassured me.

I smiled appreciatively, and as I got up, I called for Yoru, one of Noir's caretakers.

"Yoru, could you please pick up Noir and get her ready for school? She's been sleeping a bit more than usual," I requested.

Yoru nodded, acknowledging the request, and went on to carry out the task.

I walked towards my closet and put on my usual clothes. As I was getting ready, Osamu approached me with bandages in his hands, indicating that he needed my assistance in changing them.

As I finished tying the bandages together, Osamu asked, "Do you really think he's going to do everything to get me back into the mafia?" His voice was quiet, and the sadness and pain were palpable.;

I turned him around to face me, pulling his head down for a kiss. After the brief moment, I put on my darkest glare and replied,

"If he thinks he can take you from my hands, the boss of the most powerful mafia there is, with the most people possessing abilities, as well as a formidable ability of my own that can stop Chuuya's corruption, he's a crazy son of a bitch. But let him try. I'll kill him on the spot. Let's be real, Osamu, everyone in the mafia would follow you more than him. But since you don't want to rule, either Kouyou or Chuuya will end up being the future boss."

I finished with a dark smile on my lips, both my eyes now shining in a vivid red.

He smiled sweetly, went to dress himself, and then we walked to the door, where Chuuya was waiting.

"Well, you guys did take your time. Should I be jealous?" he smirked.

"Now, now, slug, don't overthink that small brain of yours. I just needed help with my bandages," Osamu retorted.

I playfully bonked Osamu on the head. "Don't make fun of him. I'm still older than both of you, and I'm way shorter," I teased.

Chuuya replied, "You're the perfect size. Don't listen to the dead mackerel," adding a touch of humor to the banter.

"The fun pet names go to you too. Stop with those idiotic games, you two. Now, let's get to business, shall we?" I said, shifting the focus to the serious matters at hand.

"I'll take my bike to work. David, get those two to the ADA, will you?" Chuuya instructed, assigning tasks for the upcoming responsibilities.

David responded with a "Will do, boss," and left to the garage, ready to carry out the assigned task.

Chuuya opened the door for us and then went to get his magenta bike. As we approached the gate of the house, it opened automatically. This was thanks to one of my higher-ups, Nicole. Her ability made our extensive database nearly impossible to crack, contributing to the overall security of the house.

"Thanks, Nicole," I replied, anticipating her familiar response. "No problem, Boss," her American accent kicked in, a customary exchange in our interactions.

David opened the door for me and Osamu, then got into the car himself and started driving. Chuuya passed us at high speed, wearing a smirk on his face, injecting a hint of playful competition into the situation.

Osamu raised a middle finger in response. "Goddamn, I hate that bike so much," he grumbled, expressing his frustration with a playful rivalry.

Then I received a phone call from Rem, and she asked to be put on speaker.

"Boss, Dazai-sama, I have good news," her voice announced over the speakerphone.

"I got in contact with Fitzgerald and asked him to stop the bet on your brother, Boss. He didn't agree, but he did agree to one thing. He will come to Japan to talk with Fukuzawa-san and the ADA," Rem reported, delivering the news.

"Hmm, that doesn't sound that bad," I remarked, my mafia side showing. "And then maybe we'll get to see Poe-kun again," I added, expressing a sense of anticipation.

"Rem and the situation with Lily, how's that going, dear?" I inquired, shifting the focus to another pressing matter.

"It's going great so far, Boss. Nicole had broken into their files, and we managed to get their bases on the continent," Rem reported, providing an update on the progress.

"Understood, Boss. Hey, Nicole, start updating Phase One. We got a code green from the boss. And Wendy, call back Squad 4," Rem commanded, efficiently coordinating the necessary actions.

"If that's all, Rem, I'll leave you to your plans," I said, getting a "Yes, Boss" in response. I then closed the call, allowing Rem to focus on the ongoing tasks.

"The situation is going better than I thought it would," Osamu remarked, expressing a sense of relief.

"Boss, we've arrived," David announced, breaking the silence, and opened the door for me.

"Thanks, David. I'll call you later if we need a pick-up," I said, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Osamu and I walked into the cafe under the ADA, and he attempted to approach the server. I swiftly caught him by his collar and dragged him to the lift, a hint of my sadistic side appearing.

"Don't forget you're married, dear," I reminded him with a smirk.

"I didn't forget, love," Osamu tried to defend himself, but I bonked him. "Don't you dare give me that lie," I retorted, not buying into his attempt to save face.

The doors opened, and we witnessed the agency dealing with the Port Mafia. Kenji was throwing them out of the window, displaying a fierce defense of the ADA.

"Damn, what the hell happened here?" I exclaimed as I noticed my brother looking scared, signaling that something had gone awry.

"What happened, Atsushi? Are you okay?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

"I'm okay, just very confused," Atsushi replied, conveying the disorientation of the situation.

"If you say so. Any cases we can work on? I'm bored," I asked Kunikida, seeking something to occupy our time and attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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