After Last Night

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(yes that's a Bruno mars reference, he's really hot sorry 😞) a little extra to the revised One In Another,— some angst i guess but nothing bad happens it's actually rather sweet i think 😢😢 read the previous two parts to get the gist 😁 i was going to add some more spicy stuff but i'm a little tired of the smut rn so just fluff, I apologize :(( I hope you guys enjoy <33 again if there's any grammar mistakes just ignore pls 😞🙏


     Tanjiro awoke to the ear splitting songs of early morning birds. His head hurt, his body hurt, everything hurt. Despite all his training, he hadn't felt this fatigued in many years. Something weighed heavily on him— weighed down his heart and tied his soul to a certain rooted post. A feeling so unfamiliar crept over him, like the peculiarity of anise or the sharp tang of tea tree. Yet it was so fulfilling, akin to the grainy aniseed's sweetness or the tranquil prosperities of tea tree. He hadn't realized such an emptiness occupied him; that a void and pure yearning was finally satiated. A yearning for the brush of the early morning breeze. A desire for the soft rain to bless his complexion. An urgency for the mellifluous harp's melodies.

But most of all, a shadowed jealousy had occupied him thus far. His title came before all else; the lives he saved by diminishing such pitiful demons from the earth. Yet, he seemed to realize that through the importance of his countless training, he had forgotten the foundation of it all: himself. Such was the nature of Tanjiro Kamado— that when he witnessed the lighthearted love between innocent townspeople, a sharp twang of envy disguised as content overcame him. The amount of tender love that radiated off them, a type of scent would rise: like lavender and fresh cotton. It was sweetly bitter, such innocence tainted by his resentful notions.

When would someone gaze at him like that? He had seen it countless times when rescuing bystanders from the clutches of death; how pure love would never separate even on the brink of death's embrace. When would someone give their last breath all to say "I love you"? Love conquers everything. No matter what form. But something about bashful actions, racing hearts, and gentle touches would forever haunt him. If that fateful day were to never have happened, he would be holding a soft warm hand close to his heart. Instead, a cold nichirin sword occupied that future.

So to counsel those faraway dreams, he let his feelings go. He hoped any young person, shielded from the world's horrors, experienced the type of consuming childish love he was never able to. He warmed at any peckish affections, the scent tolerable. He would always protect that type of love, until the last beat of his heart.

And that was the nature of Tanjiro Kamado: always caring yet never cared for.

Indeed, something heavy weighed on his heart. And in the aftermath of his own drunken stupors, it was those haunting emotions he would have to face once more. But, there was a gentler melody reaching his senses; he felt... happy, and a certain warmth enveloped his body. Suddenly, the morning sun wasn't so harsh; the birds' songs were actually rather delightful. His throbbing headache seemed to dull into a droning pain. But, he was peculiarly comfortable... too warm and snuggled with his blankets? Pillow? He wasn't sure.

To investigate, he shifted and tried to sit up. Emphasis on tried as a weight held him back. A quiet hum rose from the comforters and... wait, blankets don't talk! He froze, not before hesitantly lifting a corner.

His heart nearly leaped out of his chest when your sleeping visage looked back. You had nudged your cheek into his side, your arms tightening around him. You breathed softly and with your shifting movements, the comforter slipped further to expose your bare upper half. A deep flush immediately tainted his cheeks. Hickeys painted your neck to scatter your collarbones and chest. The sunlight captured the cooler colors against your complexion. It was almost... gruesome? The faint outline of teeth reddened and bruised near the base of your neck. Did... he make those?

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