|1| Were moving

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"Lily wake up" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen as I opened my eyes and groaned. I got up out of bed and I went into my bathroom as I did my business and brushed my teeth. I walked down the stairs to see my mom sitting at the table.

"Yea mom?" I questioned her.

"Sit down" she then said to me and I did so

"We're moving" is all she said as I just sat there in shock. "You will be starting at a new school Monday" she said as I just sat there in shock.

"O-okay" I said not wanting to put up a fight with my mom.

"Go get packed now" she said as I got up I walked into my room as I grabbed a suitcase and a backpack. I didn't have much really. I put all my clothes into the suitcase and then my essentials into the backpack.

I took my bags down the stairs as I saw my mom standing there "what took you so long?" She questioned me.

"S-sorry" I said. That's another thing I got made fun for, I had a stutter ever since it happened.

"Whatever" she said "Greg baby, let's go" she then yelled to her god awful boyfriend. He did shit to me that she knew of but she didn't care.

He walked into the room with his suitcase and he then looked over my way with hungry eyes. It's how he was and the things he's don't to me.Sometimes he says 'i know you wear clothes like this cause you want me' he then says to me.

All I ever wear are baggy shirts and pants. Like right now I'm wearing a grey baggy shirt with a skull on in, black sweatpants and my black converse.

Ever since it happened my mom has hated me, she got with Greg to get my father out of her mind because of her sadness and she switched after that

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Ever since it happened my mom has hated me, she got with Greg to get my father out of her mind because of her sadness and she switched after that.

"Come on" I then heard my mom say snapping me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my bags as I walked them over to the car putting them into the trunk of the car as I then helped with putting the boxes into Greg's truck that he had.

I went into the car with my mom as Greg drove his truck. At least he wasn't going to be in the car with us this ride. That'll be torture.

"Mom" I said lightly.

"Yes?" She questioned.

"Where are we going?" I asked her. We currently live in Chicago, so it may be a long drive.

"We're going to Minnesota" she then answered and my heart stopped, it was the place my father died. I never wanted to go back.

"Oh" I then replied "how long will that be?" I asked her.

"Just stop complaining and shut up" she then said angrily and I did so. I took out my phone and looked up the distance between the two and saw it was almost 9 hours. God this ride is going to be horrid.

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