|12| fake it til you make it

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It's now Monday and I am dreading on going to school cause one I do not want to see Gabe and two I also don't want to see Mason. But I'm going to avoid the both of them as best as I possibly can.

I also didn't want to be home so that gave me the energy to get up out of bed as I walked to my bathroom to o my business and brush my teeth.

When I finished I walked out and to my closet as I opened it to figure out what I wanted to wear today. I decided on a white cropped tank top and a white cropped sweater over it with my tan cargo pants and my black converse.

After I finished getting ready I put my hair up into a quick messy bun as I put in my mascara on and I put some concealer and foundation on the bruises that were showing

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After I finished getting ready I put my hair up into a quick messy bun as I put in my mascara on and I put some concealer and foundation on the bruises that were showing.

After I finished I left my room and started to walk down the stairs to see that only Greg was down here "look at you, you want me, don't you?" He said and I cringed at his words.

"I n-need to g-get to school" I stuttered as my heart pounded and he walked up to me slapping me.

"That's too fucking bad" he said to me as he started walking towards me and I stepped back.

"I c-can't be l-late or I-I'll g-get d-detention" I said as he grabbed my throat pulling my face close to his.

"Does it look like I care? No!" He then said slightly yelling as he pushed me towards the couch bending me over it as he started unbuckling his belt.

"P-please don't" I cried out.

"Look at you, being so defenseless" he said and he pulled my pants down as he put it in me and I cried.

"S-stop please" I started sobbing but he just grabbed my hair and kept going.

Once he finished I put my pants back on and just walked out the door to my car. I got in as I started it and drove to school.

I made it to school and I didn't really know how to feel I was already half an hour late to class. When I walked in the room and Ms. Miller looked at me with a look of disappointment but I honestly couldn't care right now.

"Detention. Sit!" She said and I went and sat in my seat by Mason. He didn't have his head down for once he wasn't sleeping.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"W-what?" I asked. Does he know about Greg?

"What happened the other night?" He then questioned.

"Oh r-right. Yes I'm okay" I said and looked away so I could pay attention to Ms. Miller.


It is now lunch and I really don't want to go home. At least I have a detention but I go home and I got to be with my mom and Greg and who knows what else Greg will do when I get there.

"Lily!" I heard Hannah and I looked at her.

"Huh, yea" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay? Is it cause of last night?" She said.

"Oh, n-no I'm f-fine" I said as I then saw Gabe walk through the lunch door and he gave me a look and then walked over to a table with some girl.

I looked away as I looked back at Hannah "ignore the guy" she said and I just nodded.

A few seconds later three trays were set down at my table and I looked to see Mason, and two other guys I didn't know sitting with us as I looked back down at my tray and picked at my food as all I could think of was this morning.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I heard Hannah say softly to me.

"N-nothing" I stuttered.

"I know something is wrong, is it what happened the other night?" She asked me.

"No, nothings wrong" I said to her, I can't tell her since Mason is here.

"Hi, I'm Ryan" said one of the guys reaching his hand out.

"L-Lily" I said as I gently shook his hand.

"Trevor" the other guy said and I shook his hand as well.

I wasn't really sure of what to say, I mean I don't really know any of these guys and I was trying to avoid Mason today.

I picked at my food as all the others were talking the entire time, "what's wrong?" I heard a rough voice say as I looked up to see Mason looking at me.

"What?" I asked him even though I knew what he had said.

"You're spacing out and not even touching your good. What happened?" He asked "you almost got raped Lily, you're lucky you didn't. There's some people out there that do though and they don't have someone save them" he said.

Little did he know my home situation. I let out a chuckle but not a good one. "You wouldn't understand" I said lightly as I grabbed my tray standing up. I walked away throwing my tray away and leaving the cafe.

I can't believe he said that, he doesn't know what I go through. I constantly get abused and raped, I'm lucky I didn't get raped and I was saved. I was saved once. Only once. Just one less time I got raped, even though this morning Greg did.

I decided to go into the library as I walked to a random isle and I couldn't hold the tears in as I fell against the bookshelf sliding down crying.

My cries turned into sobs and I couldn't breathe. "Lily, what's going on?" I then heard a familiar voice as I looked up to see Mason standing there. I wiped my eyes quickly.

"None of your business" I said getting up as I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm pulling me into him. "W-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Lily, I'm trying to be nice" he said in a stern voice.

"W-what?" I asked thinking I didn't hear him correctly but I know I did.

"What's wrong Lily?" He asked me again. I can't tell him. He can't care about me, I think it's best if I make him hate me.

"Nothing is wrong Mason, I just want you to leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you ever again" I said trying to keep my composure as I saw the anger on his face.

"What?" He asked and you could hear the hurt in his voice.

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