|2| broken meets the bad

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I sit up out of bed to the blaring of my alarm clock after having yet another dream. The same as the other night. It's always a repeated dream. I rubbed my eyes as I got up and out of my bed and I shut my alarm clock off as I went to the bathroom.

I did my business and brushed my teeth as I left my bathroom going to my closet to find an outfit to wear. I decided on a baggy white shirt and baggy jeans.

I finished getting dressed as I walked down the stairs to see my mom cooking French toast

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I finished getting dressed as I walked down the stairs to see my mom cooking French toast. I went to the table sitting down as she set a coupe on my plate and I put syrup on them and then ate them.

After I finished eating I got up " your car is here" my mom said. The reason I didn't drive here was because my car was being fixed and it's done. My eyes lit up at the fact Greg didn't have to bring me today.

"Okay" I said and she handed me my keys as I walked outside to see my baby sitting outside. I ran up to her and unlocked my car as I got in and drove off to school.

When I pulled up to the school after looking at the directions, everyone and I mean everybody was staring at me. I got out of my car as I locked it as I held my bag looking down at my feet as I walked I got he school.

I found my way to the office as I walked in and grabbed my timetable. I saw my locker number was 567 so I looked through the 500s until I finally found mine.

I put in the code that was also on the time table as I opened the locker putting things into it. I didn't have much except a couple of notebooks and pens as I grabbed just those and put my bag into the locker.

I then shut my locker turning around and instantly colliding into something hard causing me to fall right on my ass. I groaned at the contact as I got up to see a guy who towered over me standing there.

I saw the sleeve of tattoos on his arm, he had black hair with deep green eyes and a very well structured face "are you gonna stand there and stare at me?" He asked rudely.

"No, y-you're in my way" I said. Stupid stutter. He then moved aside as I pushed past him walking to my first class.

I made it first to the classroom as I sat in the back corner of the room. A few minutes later the bell rang and kids piled into the room causing my anxiety to fly through the roof. I picked at my hands and bounced my legs as I shut my eyes and counted to ten.

It's a technique I learned when my mom had me in therapy but I stopped going and she stopped lying after she found out I kept skipping  appointments. I just didn't want to talk about it.

The door then swung opened revealing that rude guy from earlier he scanned the room and that's when I noticed the only open seat was next to me. He walked over sitting down and I didn't spare him a glance.

"Good morning class, due to yesterdays behavior I will be moving your seats, and Lily" she said and I looked up at her "just because your knew doesn't mean you won't have an assigned seat as well, understand?" She questioned.

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