|8| stay away, he's mine

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My alarm started blaring and since I fell back asleep I haven't had a nightmare last night which was odd. I went to get up to shut my alarm off but there was something heavy holding me down.

Is it Greg? I thought I locked my door last night. I started to freak as I tried getting up as I then heard a groan "stop moving" I heard a familiar deep voice say.

I looked to see Mason was laying on top of me. "W-we're going t-to be late" I said quietly to him and he just groaned.

"I don't care" he roughly said.

"I do care" I said as he lifted up his head that was on my chest to be met with his face.

"Whatever" he then said as he got up off of me and I got out of the bed.

"I-I can go g-get you some clothes" I stuttered turning around walking out the door. I nervously walked to my mom's room as I hesitantly knocked on the door.

Greg then opened the door and I saw his disgusting smirk "what brings you here?" He asked me.

"I came t-to get clothes f-for Mason" I said to him and I saw the disgust on his face. He turned around as he walked to his closet and grabbed jeans and a black shirt as he came back over handing them to me "t-thank you" I said turning around but he grabbed me by the wrist as he leaned in close to my ear.

"Next time, don't bring a boy over. After school you will see why" he whispered as I quickly nodded as I turned around walking to my room. I opened the door to see Mason sitting there on my bed.

"H-here y-you g-go" I said as I grabbed an outfit from my closet turning around to be met with a shirtless Mason.

I saw a sly smirk on his face "like what you see princess?" He then said causing my heart rate to quicken.

"N-no" I stuttered out as I walked to the bathroom shutting the door and locking it as I put my clothes on. I decided on cargo jeans and a black cropped shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom going over to my shoes putting on my white Nikes as I turned to Mason who was already dressed and on my bed "are you ready?" I asked him

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I walked out of the bathroom going over to my shoes putting on my white Nikes as I turned to Mason who was already dressed and on my bed "are you ready?" I asked him. For once I didn't stutter.

He looked over at me as he got up out of bed saying nothing as we walked out of my room and down the stairs "hey sweetie, I made breakfast" my mom said as she kissed my cheek. Can Mason please live here?

"Okay thank you mom" I said to her as I saw her soft smile. The one she gave to me before she got with Greg. The one she gave me before she chose the path of alcohol.

We sat at the table as I was across Greg once again. Great. My mom set the pancakes on the table and I gave her a soft smile "thank you" I said to her.

"Of course my princess" she said to me causing a lump to get stuck in my throat. She said it on purpose. It's what my dad would always call me. He'd always say I was his princess.

We finished eating as I noticed the time "oh, w-we have to g-go before we're late" I said to my mom as she smiled.

"Okay, have fun" she smiled a so nodded and we headed out the door.

"So, can I get a ride?" Mason asked me as I looked at him.

"Yea, sure" I replied as we walked to my car and I drove off to school.

"Your mom and dad seem like good people" he then said to me.

"Oh G-Greg isn't my real father" I said to him as my grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Oh, who is he to you?" Mason then questioned.

"He's my moms boyfriend. That's all" I said not trying to sound too hoarse.

"Where is your real dad?" He said as my grip tightened even more onto the steering wheel.

"No where" I replied curtly.

"Is that why you were at the cemetery?" He then asked me as my body tensed.

"N-no" I stuttered out.

We made it to the school and the rest of the ride was quiet. We got out of my car as every body was staring at us as they saw Mason getting out of my car. I got dirty glares from girls but the one who caught my eye the most was a blonde girl wearing pink skirt that's 2 sizes too small for her and a cropped pink shirt.

There was two other girls behind her but she was giving me the dirtiest glare of them all. We made eye contact for a few seconds when I decided to be the first to look away.

A few moments after Mason was gone she came strutting over to me. She had a fake smile on her face. I know it was fake because I've seen fake smiles a lot, mostly on my mom.

"Hi, I'm Jenny" she said holding her hand out for me to shake as I looked down at her hand and hesitantly grabbed it and she instantly squeezed it harder as I winced in pain "you better stay away from Mason if you want to see the light of day again" she then said.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked her.

"What do I mean? Your showing up to school with him. He's probably only using you for sex anyways. But Mason, he's mine" she curtly said "understand?" She then questioned.

"Y-yes" I stuttered out.

"Y-yes" she then said in a mocking tone as the girls who were with her started laughing as they all turned around walking away. I just stood there in confusion on what just happened.

"Don't mind Jen, she's what every one calls your typical 'queen bee' of the school. She's a spoiled rich bitch that thinks she can get whatever she wants" I heard Hannah say from beside me.

"When did you get there?" I asked her.

"Like just a minute ago when I saw Jen walking away from you. What she say anyways?" She asked.

"Oh, she told me to stay away from Mason because we showed up to school together" I said like it wasn't really anything.

"You what!?" She shrieked "you have Mason fucking King a ride to school?" She asked.

"Yea, he stayed at my house. I wasn't just going to make him walk" I said and her mouth basically dropped to the ground.

"HE STAYED AT YOUR HOUSE?" Hannah yelled as I covered her mouth.

"Shhh not too loud. It was a big deal anyways. I have to tutor him because the principal wants me to and he came to my house for it yesterday and then the storm started and he didn't drive to school yesterday he said so I gave him a ride to my house and my mom insisted he slept over and he did and I gave him a ride. No biggie" I said.

For once I was able to say a full sentence with no stutter.

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