|4| its all your fault

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It was finally the end of detention and I slowly walked out not wanting to go home because once I go home I won't see the end of it. I walked to my car slowly and I even slowly u locked the door.

"What the fucks your issue?" I then heard a familiar voice say behind me as I turned around being met with deep green eyes.

"Oh u-uhm, what?" I managed to get out because of the close proximity between us was causing me to get more nervous.

"Usually people get out of detention they practically sprint out of that door and speed off as fast as they can, you took baby steps the whole entire way here" he said.

"W-well I j-just don't w-wanna get home s-so early" I answered.

"Why though?" He asked and I didn't answer I hustled shrugged my shoulders.

"I need t-to go" I stuttered out as I turned around unlocking my car door and getting in as I started it and drive off but didn't drive too fast so I didn't make it home so quickly.

I made it home and I was so scared to go inside. Usually when you go home you should feel safe, but for me it was the opposite I was everything but safe here.

I slowly walked to the door u locking it with my key opening it. I felt a sigh of relief when I noticed my mom and Greg were gone. My moms car is in the parking lot so they probably took Greg's truck. I looked out the window noticing his truck for sure was gone.

I must have been too scared to notice, but that doesn't mean she won't beat me if she knows I got a detention.

I walked up the stairs and into my room locking the door behind me. I walked to my bathroom and locked that door behind me as well to be extra safe. I turned the shower on and then got undressed as I went into the shower.

I finished showering as I walked over to my closet grabbing my pajamas which consisted of a white long sleeved shirt and my pajama pants.

I finished showering as I walked over to my closet grabbing my pajamas which consisted of a white long sleeved shirt and my pajama pants

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I walked over to my bed. Usually when my mom goes out to eat with Greg I either make myself food or don't eat and tonight I'm not going to eat. I'm just tired. It's only 7:30 and I just need sleep.

I plopped into my bed as I put the blankets over me and turned off my light. I pulled my blanket over me as I instantly fell asleep.


"Lily Grace Jones!!" I heard my mom yell from down the stairs. School already? I looked at my alarm clock to see it's only 10:00. Great.

I got up out of bed as I then walked down the stairs to see my mom angrily standing there at the bottom of the stairs. "Y-yes mom?" I questioned her even though I have an idea of what it's about.

"Are you gonna tell me what these two detentions are that you got?" She asked me.

"I-it was cause I was l-late and it-then fell a-asleep in class" I stuttered out.

She let out a laugh but not a good one "you disgraceful child. It's all your fault, you know? Your father he died because of you." She then came up to me as she slapped me and I just stood there looking down at my feet fiddling with my fingers.

"I-I know" I said to her quietly. I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach. She punch me. She then did it again and again and again. I then saw Greg come into the room as he took off his belt handing it to my mom "n-no please" I said backing away.

My mom grabbed the belt as she evilly laughed. "Take off your shirt and turn around" she said but I shook my head no walking away backwards. I then tripped as Greg came over to me as he rip my shirt off of me as he pinned me on my stomach. I groaned in pain from the punches my mom just threw to my stomach.

She then whipped the belt against my bear back as I groaned in pain. She then did it again. "M-mom p-please I'm s-sorry" I pleaded as I cried.

"You disgraceful little bitch" she said whipping my back again. She did it a few more times as she then stopped. "Leave" she said.

"W-what?" I questioned her.

"Get out of my sight and go to your room. Now!" She yelled pointing to my room as I got up and went to my room as my back was burning.I decided to lay down and try to go back to sleep but I ended up crying.


It is now morning and I got up as my back and stomach were in even more pain now. I slowly got up as I went and did my usual morning routine as I didn't put much into my outfit not like I usually do anyways. I decided on a black cropped shirt with baggy jeans that had a couple of rips in them.

I didn't really look into an outfit I just grabbed a random shirt and some pants but this is the least baggiest outfit I have worn since I've been here honestly

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I didn't really look into an outfit I just grabbed a random shirt and some pants but this is the least baggiest outfit I have worn since I've been here honestly. I walked down the stairs noticing nobody was here.

I decided to leave before my mom or Greg came down if they were upstairs. I grabbed my car keys as I booked it out the door and to my car as I unlocked the car getting in and speeding off to school.

I got to the school as I got out my car and walked into the doors of the school. It hurt a lot to walk because of my stomach and back but I pushed through it. I went to my locker grabbing my things and then to my first class of the day.

I walked in being one of the firsts to walk into her classroom "oh you're early Ms. Jones" I then heard Ms. Miller say.

Y-yes ma'am" I then replied to her as I took my seat and sat down. She gave me a glare and then went back doing whatever it was she was doing before I walked in.

A but later the bell rang as the room piled with students this time Mason was first to walk through the door. He sat in his usual seat as he did what he normally did, put his head down.


It's the end of the school day, and I think I'm going to do something I haven't done in a long long time. Visit my dad.

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