|11| My savior

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I opened my eyes soon after when I noticed Gabe was gone but I didn't move as I laid hear shaking and sobbing as memories of Greg popped up.

I then felt a pair of hands wrap around me "NO GET OFF ME" I yelled backing away but the hands were too strong for me to get out of. "Go away" I sobbed.

"Shh, Lily I won't hurt you it's okay" I then heard the familiar deep voice as I looked up to see Mason who was holding me in his arms with a worried expression "fuck Lily, I'm so sorry" he said apologetically.

"W-why?" I asked him. Then I remembered he told people we fucked and the fear of him trying the same thing appeared as I looked away to see a bloodied Gabe passed out on the floor and my eyes widened in fear as I looked at Mason.

"Don't worry, he deserved it" Mason said.

"Your a filthy whore and you deserve nothing in life, what Greg does to you, you deserve it"

My mother's words rang into my head "hey Lily, it's okay" his voice said softer than ever as I looked down at my body as my face flushed in embarrassment to see I was being cradled on his lap while in just my under garments.

Mason must have read my mind as he took the hoodie off he was wearing as he put it on me. It went down just above my knees. "Want me take you home?" He asked me.

"I c-can just get Hannah t-to take me" I said. "I-I'm staying at her house a-and I w-won't be able to go back home" I said as I fidgeted with my hands.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Nothing" I said.

"Oh my god LILY" I heard Hannah's voice as she rushed in "what happened? What did this wood?" She said pointing at Mason.

"I-it wasn't him i-it was G-Gabe h-he tried to rape me" the last words I whispered as I felt my bottom lip quiver.

"Oh babes" she said hugging me "come, I can get James and we can go home. You already have to-" she stopped mid sentence as I knew what she was going to say remembering Mason was here.

"T-thank you, Mason" I said as I got up off his lap as I saw my torn dress. How'd he even rip it?

"No problem" Mason said as he shrugged his shoulders walking towards the door.

"I will return the hoodie to you" I said as he turned around.

"Keep it. Looks better on you" he then said with a smirk displayed onto his face leaving me here shocked as he walked back down the stairs.

Hannah then came back in the room with James, I never even noticed her leave "come on, let's go" she said softly as she grabbed my hand.

We walked out of the bedroom as we then walked down the stairs. When I got to the bottom we walked through some hallways like before and then "I need a drink real quick" Hannah then said and I nodded

"Yea, me too" I said as Hannah never let go of mine nor James hand. We walked into the kitchen and the sight before me for some reason shattered my heart.

Hannah grabbed a couple waters handing me one giving me a 'ignore it' look on her face as she could tell what I saw.

Mason was up against the counter as that girl from earlier, Jen I believe, was kissing him and his hands were on her waist. He seemed to enjoy it.

Hannah grabbed my hand as she put the water in the other. We walked to James' car.

When we got to his car as we all got into the same spots as before and James drove off. As we were going back to Hannah's, my mind wondered off back to Mason.

He confused me honestly. One second he's helping me, the next he's making out with another girl. What if he is dating Jen?


"We're here" I heard Hannah's soft voice say as I opened my eyes. When did I fall asleep? I don't remember falling asleep.

"Oh okay" I said as I got out of the car and we walked into her house as James drove off once we made it inside.

"Are you okay?" Hannah then asked me.

"Yea" I said and she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you and that would have never happened" she said and I could hear her cry and I hugged her back.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault Hannah." I said to her and she let go looking me in the eyes.

"No, I knew what kind of person Gabe was Lily, you aren't the first he has done that too and I still left you alone with him. I'm not the biggest fan of Mason but I am so glad he got there at the right time" she said.

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you I promise" I said to her reassuringly.

"You should be mad. I know I would if my friend left me alone with a rapist" I said "especially if I already go through it at home" she then said looking down and this time I hugged her.

"Like I said, you didn't know. It was a party and I understand you wanted to go dance with James." I told her trying to be a reassuring.

"But it is my fault Lily, I left you alone with a guy who has raped and attempted to rape multiple girls at parties and I left you alone with him." She said.

"Hannah, it isn't your fault, it's his fault he is the one who has raped those girls and attempted not you, you didn't let anything happen" I said.

"I could have prevented it from happening" she said.

"Hannah, stop it isn't your fault and that is the end of story, okay?" I said and she nodded "okay?" I then asked her.

"Yes okay" she said.

"Now let's go and watch a movie" I said with a smile and the smile was now back on her face.

"Okay" she said as we started walking up the stairs to her room and I followed after her.

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