|14| I wish you died

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He's pinned me around and my towel dropped as I looked down and he let go of my arm but then he looked up and down my body and I quickly picked it up wrapping it around me grabbing clothes and rushing to the bathroom.

I slammed the door locking it sliding down the door as the tears fell from my eyes. He shouldn't have seen them.

I heard a light knock on the door "Lily, I won't tell anyone just tell me what happened" he said.

"Nothing, please leave it alone" I said softly and I heard his footsteps fade away from the door as I catch my breath.

I get up putting my pajamas on which I didn't look at and now I'm looking that I picked out my Pooh shirt and blue plaid pajama pants.

I get up putting my pajamas on which I didn't look at and now I'm looking that I picked out my Pooh shirt and blue plaid pajama pants

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I just threw it on as I grabbed foundation putting some onto my neck and then unlocking the door to see that Mason has left.

I walked down the stairs to see Mason and two other people I never met. "Hey sweetheart" my mom said sweetly.

"Hi mom" I said smiling softly. I don't want to seem too happy but can't seem too sad.

I saw Mason staring at my neck knowing why. He knows I covered it up. He can't know anything that happens here though he just can't. I'll die if they find out I told Hannah.

I looked away from him "what's wrong sweetie?" My mom asked me as I looked up at her.

"N-nothing" I said.

"Come let's talk" she sweetly said but I know she isn't going to be saying anything sweet to me. When we were out of sight she grabbed my arm "what did you tell Mason?" She asked.

"N-nothing I didn't say anything" I said.

"Then why aren't you guys talking?" She asked me.

"W-we just had a f-fight at school I s-swear that's all" I said to her frightened but she surprisingly just let go.

"If I find out you're lying I'll end your life right here , should've been you who died instead of your father" she said scoffing as she walked away. The tears had stung my eyes as I ran to the bathroom before anybody saw me. I shut the door locking it as I slid down the door breaking into tears.

She's right, I should have died not him. I could have done more. I could have saved him and called somebody but I didn't. I just watched them kill him.

"Lily" I then heard Mason say on the other side of the door I quickly got up wiping my face as I opened the door to see him looking at me worriedly,

"W-what?" I said trying to sound mad but I sound more scared then anything.

"I saw after you left with your mother you were gone for a bit, are you okay? Is it cause of earlier?" He asked me "I know I shouldn't have said those things Lily, I know you were almost raped and it was scary it's just today hasn't been my greatest day and I guess I just took it out onto you" he said.

"Just because you were having a bad day doesn't mean you need to get mad at me and tell me that at least I wasn't raped cause I almost was ag-" shit shit shit.

"You almost were what?" He asked me.

"None of your business." I said trying to push past him but he stopped me.

"Lily, have you been raped before?" He asked me.

"N-no, I haven't." I said.

"Then why were you about to say how you were almost raped again?" He questioned me and I froze.

"I-I don't know. Just leave it be" I said pushing out of his grip walking away back to the kitchen to see everybody on the couch and my mom in the kitchen cooking.

I went and sat onto the love seat and Mason sat next to me. "Food is ready" my mom then said as I quickly got up and walked to the table where I usually sit down.

I looked to see my mom has made her homade spaghetti and meatballs. She hasn't cooked in so long.

I made myself a plate after everybody else has gotten theirs and I started sting but then felt Greg rubbing his foot against my leg. I knew it was Greg cause he's sitting across from me and that's the direction it came from.

We all finished our food and I quickly got up grabbing plates bringing them to the sink "here let me do it honey" my mom said but I know if I actually let her she'll beat me when they all leave.

"No, I'll help" I quietly said to her as I started rinsing the dishes off and loading them into the dishwasher. A chore I usually have to do at nights.

After I finish we all go into the living room and decide to watch a movie, my mom put on this new movie called Imaginary. Apparently it's a horror movie.

I sat on the live seat and of course Mason sat next to me. I put my blanket over my lap and Mason also put it over him.


We are a little less than half way through the movie and it seems okay so far.

Instantly my body has tensed up after I felt Masons hand on my thigh. What is he doing? He is tracing circles onto my thigh and I'm trying not to show a reaction but my body acts so differently to his touch.

I then felt a burning stare to look at Greg who looked pissed off but I think it's only because we're next to each other and sharing a blanket cuz the entire time he hasn't taken his gaze off of us.

Greg acts like I'm his property and if I wanted to I couldn't date because my mom will beat me until I'd break up with the guy. I only know this because it's happened once.

My freshmen year I started dating a guy and she did that exact thing. It was horrible and I ended up not going to school for a couple weeks cause of the beating was really bad and my mom didn't want the teachers saying or doing anything about the bruises every where. Now she doesn't care.

My thoughts instantly stopped when Masons hand went higher up my thigh where he was dangerously close to my pussy. Like dangerously close.

I don't even know how he got there so fast, must have while I was lost in thought and I hadn't noticed tell I felt his touch basically on my pussy. Shit, I should push his hand off.

I was about to push his hand off my leg but was too late when he met the waist band of my pajama pants and slid his hand in my pants and I looked at him with shock.

He wasn't looking at me thought he was watching the movie so I grabbed his arm to pull it off but he touched my clit through my underwear rubbing it. I bit my bottom lip so a moan didn't escape.

I can't like this though. Mason is a player and likes to fuck with other girls all the time. Every day I practically see him making out with a girl in the hallway.

I quickly pulled his arm out getting off the couch and walking into the kitchen as I grabbed a cup filling it with ice and water from the fridge.

I was facing towards the counter drinking my water when I suddenly felt hands wrapped around around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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