Episode 5: End of the New World

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Episode Five: End of the New World

"Don't know if I like this. I can't help but feel like I'm running away," Romulo muttered.

Elena nodded, but she did not immediately reply; she instead fought to catch her breath as they slowly jogged through the interlocking streets. Her pegleg squealed with every step, and her leg bled slightly in the place where it bonded to her prosthetic. Romulo recognized her struggle and slowed his pace, but Elena pushed herself forward with all her strength. A faint drizzle fell from the overcast sky and shimmered in the daylight. Distant thunder rumbled beneath dark clouds, and the wind swept dust and debris from the streets. Whenever they approached another intersection, Romulo sped ahead and stealthily searched for enemy soldiers. It seemed that the citizens had hidden themselves indoors.

"They're targeting you. It's a bad move to walk right into their trap! You're a good strategist; you're a great strategist! You know it's a bad idea. They have no reason to hurt people if they just want you," Elena reasoned.

Romulo shook his head and answered, "That didn't stop them from hurting people before, and it won't stop them now. The only thing that changed is I'm not there to protect them."

Elena nodded somberly as she said, "You couldn't protect them anyway. Our monoliths need to recharge, don't they? If you just stayed by the infirmary back there, you couldn't fight anyone. You had just used them to fight someone else. You'd be defenseless!"

As the drizzle slowly transformed into a rainstorm, Romulo sighed and slowed to a stop. He explained, "You're half-right. I recalled my red sorcerer and hadn't used my black monolith, so I could at least still fight with those. Besides, our monoliths are like little parasites. When we expend energy, it flows into them. All this running has probably replenished their power. If I couldn't fight them then, maybe I could at least fight back now."

A low rumble of thunder coursed through the sky and forced the street to tremble. The pouring rain flattened Romulo's hair, and his soaked clothes became plastered to his skin. Even Elena's curly hair turned wavy from the weight of water. Her light brown eyes studied Romulo as he seemed to contemplate his next move, but the conundrum had confounded him. Instead of continuing to jog, he set his back upon the brick wall of a building. He stood just steps away from an awning, but he chose to stand in the pouring rain; it had already soaked him.

"Do you think we should go back to the infirmary?" Elena sheepishly asked. The rain had soaked the wood which made her pegleg, and it seemed to struggle beneath her weight. She leaned against the brick wall and lifted her prosthetic leg off the ground.

Romulo sighed and answered, "I don't think we could make it in time. I don't know if there's anyone still there. Or maybe our real mistake was stopping in the first place. I think someone's coming."

Elena swerved her head and saw a silhouette approaching through the pouring rain. Without determining whether this silhouette represented a tangible threat, Romulo pushed himself into motion and offered his arm to Elena. She sensed his urgency and kicked off the brick wall, leaning her weight on Romulo's strong arm as she struggled to stabilize herself. The two friends quickly jogged away from the silhouette, racing through the downpour even though Elena could hardly keep herself upright. She nearly tripped every time her pegleg struck the edge of a cobblestone, but she always caught herself at the last moment. Romulo led her down a narrow alley, and before long, they found their way into the quiet courtyard of a large church.

"They're not the monks, but maybe they can help," Romulo reasoned.

"I heard you mention them before. Who exactly are the monks?" Elena asked as they scurried toward the church doors.

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