2 • Expect Disappointment

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"How's the move?" Aiden asked Peter from the other side of the phone

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"How's the move?" Aiden asked Peter from the other side of the phone. He sat, laid down on his bed. Looking at Peter from the screen of his phone.

"Good! Just got all my stuff out. Just the necessities though." Peter answered back. He was laid down on the couch of Happy's flat. "I tried to get that green stuff out of my suit but it's relentless."

"Did you try vinegar?"

"Yeah I did, that helped a bit. If I kept trying I'm sure I'll get it out soon."

"I'm so tired." Peter said.

"Wish I could help you."

"Just hearing your voice helps." Peter smiled

"Really? This isn't even my sexy voice." Aiden said with a smirk. Peter let out a laugh. "Keep talking, Aiden Jensen."

"Oh! I finally learned that Korn song on the drums." Aiden said.

"Heyy, that's awesome!" Peter said. "You'll have to play it for me sometime."

"Oh I will, it'll melt your face off."

Peter laughed. "Looking forward to it."

Aiden hummed in response, letting them sit in silence for a second before asking another question.

"How're your foster parents?" Peter asked

"Good, they've calmed down a lot now that the charges were dropped."

"You can't blame them. I wouldn't want you dating a possible murderer." Peter said.

"You're not a murderer."

"I know that. I'm just saying, give them the benefit of the doubt."

Aiden let out a sigh.

"Yeah, you're right."

"When am I not?" Peter asked jokingly from the other line.

"Do you really wanna open that door?"

"Maybe not..." He let out a laugh

"Did you send in your applications yet?" Aiden asked.

"I literally just finished my MIT one." Peter answered "You?"

"Same." Aiden nodded.

"Can you imagine if we both got in? And Ned and Mj. We could do what they do in the movies and study out in the courtyard..." Peter trailed off.

"Yeah, but we'd have to get scholarships to actually go." Aiden said back

"Oh come on, you've got the scores and the grades and..."

"-You think I'm being to pragmatic?" Aiden asked

"No, no, no." Peter said as Aiden stared unbelievably at him through the screen. "Well, kinda. But it's okay. It's one of my favorite things about you."

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