6 • What Real Loss Is

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Swat teams surrounded the area with guns drawn, cameras still focused on the building in ruin

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Swat teams surrounded the area with guns drawn, cameras still focused on the building in ruin. Aiden stood in Ned's Lola's living room. Watching the very outdated TV set, Ned and Mj sat on the couch, listening intently.

"-We've confirmed a total of one casualty." Jameson said from the tv.

"A Ms. May Parker, was caught in Spider-Man's web of destruction..."

It felt as if the world had stopped. Aiden sat down on the floor, his back against the couch. Mj sat down next to him, comforting him as Aiden leaned against her for support, staring off into the distance, as thought the information were impossible to grasp.

"Tragedy." Jameson said from the set. Mj looked over at Ned, who didn't move. He sat in disbelief on the couch.

"What else can I call it? What more need be said? The damage, the destruction. You saw it with your own eyes."

"When will people wake up and realize that everywhere Spider-Man goes, chaos and calamity ensue. Everything Spider-Man touches, comes to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces."

"J. Jonah Jameson reporting. Good night, and God help us all."

Mj comforted Aiden, holding onto him until he was okay.

Aiden didn't allow himself to spiral. He could feel himself getting deeper into his thoughts. He had been in this position before, and he knew it did no good. Aiden sat up and walked over to the kitchen table, where Ned's Lola had set out a plate of biscuits.

"Still nothing?" Mj asked Ned, who had his phone out.

"No." He said. No response from Peter.

"I'm gonna press it." Aiden said abruptly. He stared at the artifact with hate. He wanted nothing more than to see those people gone. He didn't care if they died in their universe, they didn't care when May died. Or did they? He wasn't sure.

"What- no-" Ned began.

"I know he told me to wait, but I'm gonna do it." Aiden said as he sat up, hold his hand over it the button. He hesitated for a second, the moment weighing on him.

"Aiden.." Mj said sorrowfully.

"I just wish we could see him." Ned said, waving his hand.

There was a spark from the direction of which Ned pointed. They all stopped.

"Ned?" Aiden said, retracting his hand from the contained spell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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