3 • See You Soon

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(Gif ain't that accurate to anything, but that's the outfit his wears for the entirety of the book starting now sooo

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(Gif ain't that accurate to anything, but that's the outfit his wears for the entirety of the book starting now sooo...)


Aiden played the drums angrily. Playing along with Got The Life by Korn playing through his headphones.

Distracted, it took his a moment to realize Rebecca was now yelling at him.

He stopped, taking his headphones off.

"Hey," He said breathlessly. "Sorry about that."

"Mj's here to see you." She said as she threw a rag at him to wipe the sweat off.

Aiden threw the rag over his shoulder as he walked out of the garage and into the hall where Mj stood.

"What'd those drums ever do to you?"

"They gave me a funny look." Aiden smirked as he shrugged. "Shall we?" He said as he gestured for the stairs.

He left the door open as they walking into the room, Mj collapsing on to his bed.

"My parents are like, super not thrilled about being rejected from MIT."

"Mine have been really cool about it. John didn't even go to college. So he doesn't care."

"What does he even do?"

"Electrician. He got his CED instead of college."

"Hm, we can do that I guess. Always thought sticking my hand into live wires would be fun."

"The adrenaline of possibly getting shocked would be fun." Aiden laughed as he grabbed a navy jacket, putting it on over his plain white t-shirt.

"So, how're things with Peter?" She asked.

"That's why you came here? To talk about Peter."

"I came here to talk in general. But I guess if you don't want tooo..."

"Stay." Aiden said with a smirk as he sat down at his desk. "Things are alright. He's taking the whole situation a lot better than I would."

"Yeah, he's always been really annoyingly positive."

"We're just too pragmatic for that."

"Got that right."

"Are you actually bummed about it though?" Aiden asked.

"Of course I'm bummed. It's MIT. Are you not?"

"No, to be honest it wasn't really my dream."

"How'd you mean?" Mj asked, sitting up from the bed.

"Well, Peter really wanted this to happen. I didn't really have any plans for my future. So I figured I'd just follow him." Aiden said.

"What would your major have been?"

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