5 • We Can Save Them

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Aiden, Mj and Ned sat in the basement

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Aiden, Mj and Ned sat in the basement. Ned played some kind of game, which Aiden tried to follow along with. But it was too complicated to keep up.

Mj was in a corner dead asleep on a chair.

Peter came down the stairs as Aiden shot up to greet him.

"Um, guys, this is Mr. Osborn-"

"It's 'doctor'." He corrected.

"Sorry," Peter said, correcting himself. "Dr. Osborn, these are my friends. That's Aiden, m-my boyfriend. And that's Ned and Mj."

"Mary Jane?" Osborn asked.

"I-It's Michelle Jones, actually." She said timidly.

"Fascinating..." Osborn said.

"I'm sorry, so this is the one that tried to blow you up on the bridge?" Aiden said, crossing his arms.

"No- well yes. But he's different now."

"Different now? Different how?" Aiden asked,

"Sometimes Dr. Osborn isn't himself, causing him to turn into the thing that was on the bridge."

"Like a multiple personality disorder?" Aiden said.

"Well-" Peter began, but he didn't actually know.

"It's nothing like that." Osborn said.

Osborn walked to the entrance of the crypt.

"Octavious?" He said unsurely.

With a whirring sound, Otto turned around to face the man. "Osborn?"

"What happened to you?" Osborn asked.

"What happened to you?" Otto said mocking. "What happened to you? You're the walking corpse."

"W-What d'you mean?"

"You died, Norman. Years ago."

Aiden leaned over to Ned. "Aren't we breaking the fabric of reality or something?" He whispered. Ned only shrugged. Aiden watched as Peter stepped forward and entered the crypt, Aiden followed.

"You're insane." Osborn chuckled, though he seemed unsure himself.

"What're you talking about, he's standing right there he's not-"

"-Dead." Sandman interrupted. "They both died, fighting Spider-man." He said, Osborn turned to look at Peter.

"It was all over the news. Green Goblin, impaled by the glider you flew around on. And a couple years later, you Doc Ock, drowned in the river with your machine."

"That's nonsense! Spider-man was trying to stop my fusion reactor, so I stopped him. I had him, by the throat." He said angrily. "Then I-"

"Then I was here..."

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