4 • That Makes Four

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Mj, Aiden, and Ned stood outside the door

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Mj, Aiden, and Ned stood outside the door. Ned was practically shaking. Aiden knocked on the door as it opened. They were met by a very unfriendly Doctor Strange.

"Peter's friends, I presume." He said as he begrudgingly waved them inside.

The three walked inside and was met with a chill instead of the warmth you'd assume you'd be greeted by from the inside of a building.

"I can't believe in the the Sanctum Sanctorum." Ned said loudly as he marveled at the sight.

"Neither can I." Doctor Strange quipped. Aiden slipped on the ice on the stairs as the red cape on the man flew to his side to catch him.

It hoisted him upwards as Aiden stared blankly at it.

"Uhm- thanks." He said. It seemed cheerful as it floated back and perched itself on Doctor Strange's shoulders. Ned let out a squeal at this.

"Hey, how did you know you were a man of magic?" Ned asked the man. "Cause my nana says we have it in our family, a-and sometimes I get this tingling feeling in my hand."

"You should talk to your physician." Doctor Strange said.

"Peter! Hey!" Aiden said as he ran up, hugging Peter.

"Listen- I'm so sorry for dragging you into this. You just gotta help me find these guys-"

"You don't have to apologize, Pete. We're with you, remember?" Aiden said. "Besides, Ned is in his element."

"So, how did the bad guys get here?" Ned asked.

"And why? What do they want?" Mj added.

"We screwed up a spell trying to get you into college." Doctor Strange said from atop the stairs.

"Wait? What?" Mj said. "You did it with magic?" Ned butt in.

"Badass dude." Aiden said as Peter laughed while also trying to form his answer.

"No, that was after. Listen- let's just focus on the good news, okay?-"

"No. Let's just focus on the bad news. As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers." Doctor Strange said as Aiden and Mj gave a scowl. "So, get on your phones, scour the internet, and... Scooby-Doo this shit!"

Aiden let out a sarcastic sounding scoff.

"I'm sorry- wasn't it your spell that got screwed up?"  Aiden said as Peter went wide eyed. "Meaning all this is kinda your mess."

"Right. Y'know I know a couple magic words myself. Starting with the word please." Mj added with a sarcastic smile. Ned and Peter looked back up at Doctor Strange like the man was gonna magic their heads off or something.

"Please Scooby Doo this shit." He said. "You can work in the undercroft."

"The undercroft..." Ned said excitedly.

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