11. 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵

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"Rise and shine, little doggie!" Arabella cheered as she walked inside the motel room with two coffees. The heretic had already dropped off coffee to the youngest Salvatore. "Here, take it." Arabella handed the half asleep Klaus the cup. As the hybrid sat up in the bed, Arabella could not help but admire how attractive Klaus was, especially shirtless. She quickly shook the dirty minded thoughts that ran through her mind.

"Thank you, love." Klaus smiled as she grabbed the coffee from Arabella's hand. "Where did you go?" Klaus asked as he looked at the time, and it read six A.M.

"So, I stole your car keys and just drove until I found a coffee shop." Arabella smiled as she tossed the keys to Klaus. "And by the way, there might be a dent in the front bumper of your car."

"What the hell? You left?" Klaus asked confused on how he did not hear Arabella leave. "And you wrecked my car?"

"See, what had happened was there was a pole that just randomly appeared in the coffee shop's parking lot." Arabella explained with a smile, hoping to not anger the hybrid. "And I might have did a spell so you didn't hear me leave." The heretic's explanation earned a glare from Klaus. "We're friends though, so you can't get mad princess doggie."

"If we're friends then stop calling me princess doggie." Klaus argued as he turned to face the heretic.

"Hm. No." Arabella shook her head as she took a seat onto the bed. "But go get ready, doggie. We got hybrids to make." The heretic ordered.

Klaus rolled his eyes, but listened to Arabella. The shirtless hybrid stood up, and Arabella could not help but look the original up and down, almost admiring him. "Take a picture, love. It'll last longer." Klaus winked at Arabella as he noticed the heretic checking him out.

"Humble yourself." Arabella groaned as she threw a pillow at the hybrid. Klaus let a chuckle fall from his lips as he grabbed some clothes out of his suitcase and walked inside the bathroom.

As Arabella sat alone, and her mind wondered back to the original hybrid. The heretic hated herself for how she felt about Klaus, but each day she spent with the hybrid, the more she began to not hate him. "Ready to go, little heretic?" Klaus asked as he walked out of the bathroom, knocking Arabella back to reality.

"Little heretic?" Arabella asked as she stood up from the bed. "Really?"

"Yep." Klaus smiled at Arabella. "If you're going to call me doggie, I'm going to call you little heretic."

Arabella sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine." She agreed. "Let me go get Stefan." Arabella walked out of the motel room and to the room next door. "Hey, you ready to go?" She asked as she peaked her head inside the room.

"Yeah." Stefan answered as he stood up from the bed. He walked past Arabella without saying another word, and began to walk towards the car. Arabella sighed as she also began walking towards the car.

Arabella had finally joined Stefan and Klaus. "Let's go make some hybrids." Klaus announced as everyone got inside the car.


"This is the house." Arabella pointed at the house as the three walked towards it. Stefan walked off somewhere else as Arabella and Klaus walked up to the lady letting her dog out.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Klaus apologized to the girl in the worst fake American accent Arabella had ever heard. Arabella knew that she would be making fun of the hybrid later for that.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, my car hmm, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh I feel like we've been walking forever yours is the first house I come to so I was just hoping I could use your phone?" Klaus explained. 

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