13. 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴

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"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan." Klaus smiled as him, Stefan, and Arabella got out of the car after a horribly long and silent car ride.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked.

"I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?" Klaus asked with a smirk, earning an eye roll from the heretic.

"Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur." Stefan explained as the three kept walking.

"Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what make it legend." Klaus said as he turned his head Arabella. "Surprised you weren't with him, love."

"Oh I was in Chicago in the twenties, princess doggie." Arabella began to explain. "I was just with Damon and Marnie. I can't stand ripper Stefan. He's a dick." Arabella glared at the youngest Salvatore. Klaus looked at Arabella, realizing they could have met way before they did. "Why are we here again?" She asked.

"We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her." Klaus explained. Arabella began to think of the witches she knew that lived in the Windy City, and one particular witch came to mind.

"Gloria?" Arabella asked as the three began to walk to Gloria's bar.

"How do you know Gloria?" Klaus asked, becoming confused on how Klaus never saw the heretic in the twenties.

"Like I said, I was in Chicago in the twenties just like Stefan." Arabella explained once again as the three reached Gloria's bar.

Klaus opened the door, and Arabella and Stefan entered the bar. The bar was quiet and dim. "Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asked as he joined the two inside the bar.

"I can't believe this place is still here." Stefan answered as he looked around the bar.

"You've got to be kidding me." The witch called out as she walked up to Stefan and Klaus. Arabella walked out from behind the younger Salvatore, and Gloria's eyes grew wide. "Arabella?" She asked as worry began to settle inside of her body. The original noticed the witch's odd behavior, and he knew she knew something about the dreams.

"The one and only." Arabella smiled as she book at one of the bar stools. "It's been a while, Gloria." Gloria nodded in agreement, still in shock that the two had found each other.

"Aren't you suppose to be..?" Stefan asked, confused on how the witch is still alive after all these years.

"Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?" Gloria asked, taking her eyes off of the heretic and the hybrid.

"Gloria's a very powerful witch." Klaus explained.

"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day."  Gloria added.

"Stefan? Arabella? Why don't you two make us some drinks behind the bar?" Klaus suggested. The two nodded and walked behind the bar. Gloria and Klaus began to discuss why his hybrids were not working, and Stefan and Arabella eavesdropped on their conversation. Arabella looked around the bar, and a picture that hung on the wall caught her eye instantly.

Arabella slapped Stefan on the arm. "You knew Klaus in the twenties?" Arabella asked as she pointed towards the picture. Arabella then realized that her and Klaus were in the same city at the same exact time, and she wondered how the two had not met during that time. The heretic also remembered the feeling she had while in the Windy City, and it was the same feeling she had when she arrived the Mystic Falls, like she was suppose to be there.

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