21. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢?

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The sound of loud knocks echoed throughout the Mikaelson Mansion. The noble original stood up from the living room chair and walked gracefully towards the door. Once the door slowly swung open, he was met with a worrisome Marnie. "Hello, Marnie. Are you okay?" Elijah asked as he saw the fearful expression across the brunette's face.

Marnie did not answer as she pushed past the original. She rushed towards the living room to be met with a confused Klaus and Kol Mikaelson. "Klaus, please tell me Arabella somehow needed up in your best last night?" Marnie asked, her tone almost begging.

"No." Klaus mumbled as his eyes gazed back to the drawing he was working on, not letting Marnie see the flash of pain that washed over his face.

"Then where the hell is she?!" Marnie snapped as her voice became full of fear. The brunette vampire began to pace back and forth in the living room, her mind running toward the worst possible scenario of where Arabella could be. "I need to call Alexander." She mumbled to herself as she reached for her phone from her back pocket.

"Did Arabella not arrive home last night?" Elijah asked as he turned to look at the original hybrid.

"No, she didn't." Marnie answered as she dialed the eldest Griffith's number. "And she's not answering my calls or texts." She explained further as worry began to eat at her more and more.

"And? She's probably out sleeping with someone." Klaus mumbled, hostility dripping through his words in attempt to cover up the pain of the events that unfolded from the night before.

Marnie snapped her neck as her eyes filled with fury as she glared at the hybrid. "Look, I get you confessed your love last night for her and she didn't reciprocate the feelings, but Arabella has never not answered my calls or texts!" She snapped. "Something bad has happened to her, I just feel it." Marnie mumbled as her words were filled with worry and a hint of fear.

The hybrid saw the true worry on the brunette's face, and felt his own worry begin to settle in, but he covered his worry with a face of nonchalance as he went back to his sketch. "Marnie, you call Alexander. There is probably a reasonable explanation for her disappearance." The noble original spoke up, trying his best to calm Marnie's worries.

Marnie nodded, but her worry did not calm down. "Yeah." She whispered, her uneasiness evident in her tone. "I'll call Stefan too." She spoke louder, almost reminding herself of what she needed to do.

The brunette vampire stepped out of the living room, leaving the three Mikaelson brothers. Elijah turned to look at his younger brother with a judgmental look on his face. "Stop acting you do not care, Niklaus." He ordered his brother, not buying his nonchalant attitude towards Arabella missing.

Klaus looked up from his sketch at his older brother with a look that was unreadable. He did not speak for what felt like an eternity, but his face began to show the worry he was feeling. "The prophecy." He spoke in an almost inaudible whisper.


The heretic witch let out a groan as her eyes slowly fluttered open. Once her eyes adjusted, she looked around the unknown room and realized she did not know where she was. Arabella looked down at her body and saw that her arms and legs were in chains, and as she tried to yank her limbs free, the chains would not budge.

As Arabella tried to pull the chains that bound her arms, the steel door swung slowly open, and the original witch strutted inside the room after she closed the door behind her. "Hello, Arabella." Esther said in a taunting voice.

"Where the hell am I?" Arabella demanded as she glared at Esther. Memories of what had occurred the night before began to fill her mind. From her conversation with Stefan, the ball, Klaus confessing his love to her, and her leaving the ball, everything replayed in her mind, and she realized she never truly left the Mikaelson house last night. 

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