(5) Without a second thought.

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The knowing looks from Liam, Zayn and Niall were enough to make both Harry and Louis blush, but they were both grateful that the boys didn't mention anything. Removing his eyes away from the other three, Harry's eyes caught to the sheer darkness that made up the London night sky.

Shimmering in the darkness, Harry considered the stars to be the most beautiful thing in the world before he met Louis. Now, seeing them slightly closer than usual made the experience of being able to fly all the more breathtaking. He felt Louis squeeze his hand. "Not afraid of heights, are you?" He asked, suddenly panicking. Harry grew slightly amused.

"No, I'm not... But that doesn't mean I don't need your comfort, Lou." Harry winked, causing Louis to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively, a sight that caused Harry to burst into laughter.

"Jesus Christ! Wake up half of bloody Britain, will you?" Niall cried in a hushed tone. Harry pouted.

"Leprechaun!" Louis exclaimed a hand over his heart sarcastically. "I am shocked. Normally you're a little ball of Irish sunshine."

"Yeah, well someone needs to concentrate on the fact that we all can't be seen, especially in this neighbourhood. Harry, I've only been here twice but the amount of rich bastards around here is uncanny."

Louis shrieked. "Niall James Horan, we do not use that kind of language!"

Harry face palmed, then did a double take. "Your middle name is James?" He asked incredulously. Liam grinned.

"That's mine as well." Niall laughed.

"What are the bloody odds? Now can we please fly to wherever we need to go? My ass is freezing as we speak." Zayn complained loudly.

"Alright, let's think about this logically," Liam began, earning a groan from Harry in return. "We should work out what direction we need to travel in, what we should do if someone gets lost, who's leading, and so on."

"Right... I'm leading, scream if you feel like it, grab on to someone's leg if need be and... THIS WAY!" Louis shouted, and then zoomed off with Harry gripping his hand for dear life. Harry heard a shriek from Zayn and then a strong grasp on his right ankle.

"I'm going to kill you for this, Styles." Zayn shouted. Harry didn't need to respond, Niall whizzing past Zayn was enough to make Zayn scream for his dear life. Laughing, Harry attempted to distract himself from the feeling of Louis' hand in his own. He trailed his eyes to the ground below him and grinned.

The outskirts of London were spread below Harry as if it were a blanket of life. He felt Louis squeeze his hand in reassurance but he only continued to grin at the sheer sight below him that resembled a perfect miniature model of London. The homes looked like small, dark card board boxes, the cars were like the toys he played with as a child and the street lights (nothing compared to the picturesque stars that were dancing above him in the night sky) seemed to make the impossible setting below him. What looked like hundreds of streets were set below them, giving the buildings a slightly darker colour of black. With the wind skimming his face ever so slightly, Harry shook his head as though he couldn't believe the events that have unfolded within the past week.

Just like that, it was gone. London, the streets, everything. Almost as though Harry had dreamt it all. He gasped and looked up towards Louis, who was biting his lip in concentration.

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