(19) There's no one else...

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Far too much happened at once. People were shouting, screaming even when they weren’t heard. No one cared at all about being caught by Captain Hook in that moment. It seemed the only thing people cared about doing was murdering Harry. And all Harry was thinking were thoughts to do with Louis. It seemed at this point that Louis was in a state of shock and hadn’t completely comprehended what Harry had said. All he could do was stare at Harry, his mouth open and his eyes glassy, waiting for his boyfriend to assure them that he was joking.

It was when Harry met his gaze that he let the tears out. His throat closed up and he knew that it would take far too much effort to even speak. What he did opt for doing however, was walking back into the hideout, but not before smashing his plate against a tree.

Harry ran after him. “Lou!”

Louis chocked out a sob and began to run to his room. He wasn’t sure why he needed to be in his room, he just knew that if he wanted to say anything to Harry, he’d rather not do it with people watching. It was when he got there however, that his body began to work on its own accord.  Anything that he could find, he threw hard against any surface. Harry, witnessing this, immediately let uncontrollable tears fall out of his eyes and ran to stop Louis from physically hurting himself.

Once Louis noticed Harry had his arms around him, he began to scream viciously. “No! G-get off me!” He demanded, and it was only then when Harry realised Louis was crying. So Harry began to sob along with him.

“L-Lou, don’t.” He pleaded, causing Louis to go motionless in his embrace.

“Why?” He asks, the question being the most meaningful and challenging to answer at that moment, despite the fact Louis was addressing it to the wall.

“Why what?” Harry asked, attempting to buy himself more time.

Louis snorted. “Don’t fuck with me, Harry. Why do you want to leave?”

Harry paused briefly. “Liam and Zayn-”

“Bullshit!” Louis exploded, forcing himself out of Harry’s arms. “Absolute bullshit! Do you honestly believe you can just use Liam and Zayn as an excuse?”


“No Harry! No! What did you expect? What did you think this was going to be like? What, are you missing your expensive double bed back in London?”

“No!” Harry exploded, completely despising this side of Louis.

“Alright... so what is it?” Louis demanded, his voice going slightly softer.

Harry’s shoulder’s relaxed. “I just... I need to go home, Louis.”

“Why? Why do you need to go home, Harry? After all the nights I fell asleep with you next to me, telling me how perfect this was... do you really think I’m going to believe you when you tell me you need to go home?” Tears were descending down Louis’s face and Harry could do nothing to stop it, apart from feeling disgusted with himself at the very discovery that he made Louis cry. His Louis.

Finally, he spoke. “What do you expect me to say?”

“The truth!” Louis exclaimed.

Harry shook his head. “Will it make a difference?” He let the question float in the air before Louis sighed. “I didn’t think so... Do you not think that I hate this? That this isn’t killing me?”

“Don’t do that. You just made your decision out there, in front of everyone. You choose this, Harry. How do you expect me to react?”

“I want you to come with me.” Harry immediately blurted out without any thought whatsoever.

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