(8) You're mine. (part two)

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Returning his gaze towards the direction they were going in, Harry only just realised they were over water. He watched in fascination as the waves battled to the shore, taking in the ripple of the water. His stomach flipped at how fast they were flying, and he began to grow eager to get on ground. Louis removed his focus from Harry and concentrated on where they were going. For another few minutes, nothing happened. Harry begun to enjoy the view and relished in the thought that Louis was his boyfriend. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw it.

At first glance, it was nothing more than a mere glitch in the fog. As they flew at a decreased speed, Harry saw what made his stomach attempt to murder him from the inside. A pitch black cave stood at the edge of the water, suffering through dangerous waves crashing at the shore. Harry could almost make out a slight top to the side of the cave. As they made their way towards this however, Harry knew he was about to get left behind, and immediately put up a struggle.

“No.” He stated once, not giving Louis any clear indication of what he meant, not that he needed to anyway.

“You could get hurt, or you could possibly get killed.” Louis argued.

“I don’t care, they’re my friends down their Louis, and they might’ve already been killed. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help?” 

Louis thought for a moment. “A sexy one?” The glare he received wasn’t pretty. “You’d be a very smart friend; I’m helping them on your behalf.” Harry’s expression didn’t change. “They wouldn’t want you to be in danger.” Louis finally stated, putting Harry down on the rocky part of the cave that was in perfect view of the pitch black ocean.

“So you just want me to wait out here like a good little boy?”

Louis sighed. “With a sword, yes,”

“A sword?” Harry asked, scoffing slightly.

Louis just raised his eyebrows, walked over to a few old rocks, and produced two sliver swords. He handed one to Harry, who in turn, raised his eyebrows. “Where the hell did you get a sword?” He demanded with unease.

Harry earned a grin in return. “I like to hide my own possessions in Hook’s hideout.”

“If it’s a hideout, how do you know about it?” Harry asked.

“Niall’s a wiz at finding stuff like this.” Louis smirked. Silence then took both boys, and Harry knew that he would have to let Louis leave him.

“Be careful, please.” He internally begged.

“Bitch please, careful’s my middle name.” Louis shrugged, making Harry giggle at his facial expression. He pulled Louis into an embrace and sighed into the boy’s hair. “I will be careful Harry, I promise.”

“Good.” Harry smiled, letting him go to kiss him once more. “Now run, you strange boy.” Louis winked and ran down a gap in the rocks facing away from the ocean, thus leaving Harry alone.

The walk was long, Louis had an internal battle in his head about whether or not he should turn around, grab Harry and fly away. He knew it wasn’t a possibility, but one can dream. For a while, Louis was busy battling with his thoughts, until he heard a clear sound of Captain Hook’s voice. He ducked, squinted his eyes behind a rock nearby so he had a clear view of what was going on.

Immediately, he recognised Liam and Zayn being tied to a pole by their hands. Louis grew surprised to see Katherine’s blonde hair in the middle as well, all three holding on for their dear life. The Captain was mocking them, doing impersonations of their whimpers and that sent Louis over the edge.

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