Chapter One

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The moon is trying to prevent me from sleeping with its bright silver light shining straight into my eyes. The curtains are no help because the nightmares of my roommate Rachel are keeping me awake as well. Being able to access someone's mind is a curse when it comes to sleeping peacefully. The others' dreams and nightmares are always keeping you distracted and I hate that. I am not a strong telepath like Professor Xavier; I am only able to read thoughts and not to control them or to communicate with people telepathically, but that is already enough to become insane. It was this ability which let me go bezerk at my old school and outed me as mutant. Unfortunately, this is the most traumatising experience of my life so far.

I've never been a popular student at my old school. I did not have any friends, only enemies. Why? I was the geek of the class, especially in foreign languages lessons like French and Spanish. I was the best of the whole school at those subjects because of my mutation which allows me to speak every language perfectly. My teachers have never suspected that this talent might be a mutation; they have always considered me as 'normal' child prodigy. My abilities have always been a secret to until one certain day on which the topic 'mutants' came up during history lesson. We talked about a day in 1973 on which the American government has shown some robots which should protect the humans from the evil mutants. A mutant with the ability to manipulate metal tried to make the government pay for their plans and caused a huge chaos with his powers. Some of my classmates were amazed by the existence of such powerful mutants and could understand why he tried to get back on them but the majority wanted to see him dead. The whole class started a fiery discussion about what the governments shall do with mutants. The result was killing and imprisoning were the only solutions. Hearing this was like a huge slap right into my face and made me furious. They wanted me dead. How delightful. It was very hard to maintain my temper and not to throw them all out of the window. Later that day, my classmates started teasing me during P.E. lesson what overused my temper. I screamed and told them to stop but they didn't. As I caught their offending thoughts which were dedicated to me, I freaked out. I demonstrated them the full range of my mutation and let them all fly around the gym. They all screamed in fear but I remained tough. I had no mercy with the people who have bullied and hated me for years. I realised that I am way stronger than I thought and that after all those years it's my turn to be superior. Blinded by rage, I let all my classmates and my teacher hit the ground with a loud crash. Some of them were injured, some knocked out and one girl was killed. Yes, I killed a person with my telekinetic powers. I hated her the most but her sudden death terrified me and it terrified me even more that I was the cause.

I ran away after that and decided to leave my mother and grandmother forever. Fortunately, the X-Men found me shortly after and now I am here at their school, trying to deal with the fact that I am a mutant and killed someone. Professor Xavier is the only one who knows about this incident and has helped me a lot with trying to deal with it. He's also the one who teaches me how to control and use my powers properly and I have to say that in the eleven months I am here, I have improved a lot and discovered aspects I did not even know of, like the fact that my eyes glow green when I concentrate strong enough.

Here at the school, I have also found friends who understand me way better than my former classmates since they are in the same situation as like me. Even though every mutant here is unique, we respect each other. It is an amazing environment to live in for all of us.

My roommate and best friend Rachel is a teleporter with rainbow coloured hair, olive skin and green eyes. She was bullied for years, too, and is still suffering from this ordeal like me. She tries to hide it behind her never fading smile but her nightmares, which I always have to see, tell a different story. Her current nightmare deals with the same topic. I wish I could make it vanish somehow. Then I'd have something useful to do during my sleepless nights and I wouldn't have to translate all kinds of books from our quelling bookshelf to Ancient Egyptian. I admire Rachel for her ability to sleep with her nightmares. She's way stronger than me.

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