Chapter Seven

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There we stand, my friends and I, two normal boys, two Friends of Humanity pricks, a random guy, two servants and the glorious Magneto. This was the total opposite of what we wanted as we decided to take a walk around town today.

The old guy who accompanied the FoH guys runs out of the cafe in fear. Smart guy. No one should try to challenge the glorious Magneto.

"Calm down, calm down, guys!" John purposes bravely.

"Shut up, stupid mutant!" One of the FoH guys shouts furiously.

Magneto lets the spears fly closer to them. "I advise you to leave. Before... well... evil things happen.", Magneto says calmly.

"We're not afraid of you." the other counters, grabbing into his pocket trying to take something out.

I stop him and take control of him telekinetically, leaving him lamed. Before the other can react, I paralyse him, too. John and his friend stare at me in shock. Understandable. A few minutes ago, I was just a normal girl and now I outed myself as telekinetic with green glowing eyes. Magneto seems to be impressed and gives me a small approving smirk.

"Didn't you hear him? Leave!", I shout while opening the door telekinetically and throwing them out. Magneto lets the spears fall to the ground with a loud crash and reshapes them into simple chairs. He takes a five dollar note out and puts it on the desk. "Thank you for the tea.", he says politely to the perplexed waitress. She does not move and so do the others, including my fellow mutant friends. Magneto leaves the cafe giving me a small smile. I follow him straight.

"What are you doing, Sofia?!" Lena asks me telepathically. "What does it look like?", I reply and leave the cafe. The others are a little mad but they follow me, too.

I notice that I threw the FoH pricks right on the balustrade leaving them unconscious. I have to giggle at their sight. Finally, they are doing something useful.

"That was very impressive. You landed a perfect shot.", I hear a voice saying. It's Magneto's. Did he just compliment me?

"Vielen Dank. Es ist mir eine Ehre das aus Ihrem Mund zu hören, Herr Lehnsherr.*", I answer him in a low voice.

"Ich sage nur die Wahrheit, meine Liebe.**", he replies. His attention is drawn by something else shortly after. He grabs into the guys' pockets and takes out two grey metallic collars with two blinking green lights each.

"What is that?"

"Our biggest thread.", he replies, still calm, and walks away casually like nothing happened.

I turn to my friends who stand behind me. You don't need to be a telepath to tell that they are confused. I am as well. I lift the FoH guys from the balustrade and lay them on the ground carefully. "Guys, we should leave as fast as possible.", Lena suggests and we all start running towards the main entrance. But we don't reach it because suddenly, a gunshot halls through the mall and you hear some panicked screams. I turn around and see some security guards with glass guns run to a direction. They are after Magneto. "We need to help him!" I shout and run back, following the guards. The others hesitate first, but decide follow me.

I was right. The security has gathered around to capture Magneto. Someone has reported him as it seems.

"We cannot take 15 security guards down, Sofia.", Lena whispers into my ear as we stand right behind them.

"Maybe you can't, but I can." I concentrate and capture them all telekinetically. I have mastered way harder tasks than this.  

"Let them go! You will only cause more trouble.", Rachel shouts in panic. She grabs my arm harshly, trying to drag me away, but unfortunately, I am too heavy for her.

"I just want to do the right thing; help our fellow mutant." Slowly, I drag the security guards away from Magneto and he flies away over their heads. "I owe you one, girl. You are indeed a very powerful mutant.", he says smiling at me. "Come on, girls. This place it not safe for us anymore.", he orders. With one move Rachel grabs us all and teleports us outside of the mall.

The released security guards are already at the doors. Magneto and I raise our hands in unison and stop the doors from opening with our powers. The guards are hammering against the glass trying to break it. Suddenly, the glass doors are glowing red and slowly turning into stone. It is Lena who is applying her reality warping powers. It is impressive because I have never seen her using her powers before. Just once, as she wanted to demonstrate us her powers and turned a blue pen into a red one and changed the colour of her pyjama. Somehow, she was always unsure to use them but I cannot understand why. They are incredibly useful.

"I owe you one, too." Magneto says to Lena.

"No big deal.", she answers shyly.

"I think we should leave before more shit happens.", Rachel suggests taking me, Lena and Sorina into her embrace. She teleports us away.

Within moments, we are back at the gates of our good old school.

"Shit, I forgot the grandpa.", she exclaims but I stop her before she can teleport away.

"You should rather NOT bring him here. The Professor would freak out.", I say.


"What do you think would happen if you brought Magneto here?"

"MAGNETO?!", they shout in unison.

"Of course it was him! Who else could cause such a trouble if not the glorious Magneto?", I reply with a small smirk. They cannot relate my fascination fot him. Instead, they are simply terrified that we have just helped a wanted criminal escape. Surprisingly, I don't mind at all.

A/N: * "Vielen Dank. Es ist mir eine Ehre das aus Ihrem Mund zu hören, Herr Lehnsherr"  = "Thank you very much. It is an honour to hear this out of your mouth, Mister Lehnsherr" (German)

** "Ich sage nur die Wahrheit, meine Liebe." = "I am only telling the truth, my dear" (German)

As already mentioned, I speak a lot of languages. xD


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