CHAPTER :- 32 [Attack]

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A/N POV :-

As you were about to go to your room . The door busted open and you saw a panicked yoongi . Seeing him Mr. Kim asked " what happened yoongi ? Why are you panting ?" He said " appa , someone attacked our main base . " " what ?!?!? Call everyone in the meeting room . " Mr. Kim said asked yoongi nodded and went to call everyone . You just listened to them and when Mr. Kim was about to go you said " appa , I will come too . I am recovered now . I can help you . "

But Mr. Kim said " no way , you are  not coming . You are still not totally healed y/n . " " but-" you were about to say when Mr. Kim stopped you and said " no means no ." With that he went to the meeting room too . While you went to your room . You sat on the bed and started thinking how to help them.

While on the other side in the meeting room ......


After every one came in the room . Appa asked " now tell yoongi what exactly happened ? Who attacked our base ?" Then I started " well I was working on my laptop when I got a call .......... "

Flashback –

After y/n went to appa's room . I started working on the laptop . So many things are pending in the company because I was distracted so I started to work again and this time with full focus . I was so happy that now my Lil sis is with me again . And this time I promised myself that I will not let anyone harm my sister . I will do anything even if it costs my life . I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't noticed that my phone was ringing but when I did I was confused to see our one of the most trusted man calling .

I picked up and said " what happened Jaeun ? Why are you calling this late ? " but all I heard was chaos then he said " s-sir w-we are a-a-attacked . W-we need h-help ." With that the call ended and I heard a crushing sound meaning that someone broke his phone . I was panicked so I ran towards appa's room without wasting time .

Flashback ends –

I finished my explanation and everyone was tensed . Then appa said " okay boys , listen . Pack up your best weapons and one should stay here incase of emergency. That would be yoongi cause he can handle the hacking stuff from home too . Everyone else get ready . And the maknae line , this is your chance , show what you have got . And Jin today I need you to participate too . So all clear ? " and we all said " yes appa . "

" good then , we will leave in 15 minutes . Go now . Yoongi you stay ." Appa said as everyone went to get ready . " yes appa ?" I asked . " yoon , keep an eye on y/n she was insisting on coming too . And I am afraid that she will try to sneak out . " I nodded and he too went to get ready . While I wentvto my room and started seeing the condition at the base .

Soon everyone got ready and were about to leave when y/n came and said " Please take care of yourself everyone . " to which all of us smiled and said " we will " and went to the base . After seeing them off . I too went back to my room and y/n went to hers .

A/N POV :-

You went to yoongi's room and said " oppa is there anything I can help with ? Although I am not good at hacking I still can do a few things . " hearing you yoongi chuckled and said " thanks for asking but I can do it alone and you should go have some sleep . Don't forget to take your medicines . " you just nodded while looking at him doing things on his computer like a lost puppy .

On the other side ....
At the base .....

Soon everyone reached the base and saw everyone was in chaos . People were running here and there . Blood was everywhere. But when they all saw their bosses they stood on their places and bowed to them . Mr. Kim nodded his head and went in their , they saw jaeun . He was injured badly . But when he saw Mr. Kim he stood up with great difficulty and was about to bow when Mr. Kim stopped hum and said " sit down jaeun ."

Then everyone sat on their designated chairs and started asking questions. Mr. Kim said " so jaeun , now tell exactly what happened ?" " boss , I was in my office when I heard some screaming out side . Suddenly some men entered in and started firing . I fought when few of them as I only had one gun with me . Suddenly someone attacked me from behind . I felt dizzy but still tried to fight but then I saw my surroundings and called young boss (yoongi) . But as soon as I called them those intruders started leaving and before you all could reach here they left . "

Jaeun narrated as everyone listened to him carefully . Then jimin asked " but with this much security how did they even managed to enter ?" " it's simple , we have a snake in our base who helped them . " namjoon said . While others nodded . Then namjoon asked " jaeun , how much force of ours is injured ?" " not much , young master . Maybe just 5 % " jaeun said . And namjoon nodded . took out his phone and called yoongi . Soon yoongi picked up and said " yes appa ? Is everyone fine there ?" To which said " yes yoongi everything is fine . Yoongi , did you found about the person I told you ?" " yes I did appa . Should I email you his info ?" " yes do that . " " ok " . Soon the information of the said person was displayed on the screen of the meeting room . " so listen up everyone . This is dong won . The one behind this mess . He was the one who killed your parents . But now he is no more . I killed him . But the one behind us is his younger brother dong in "

He said as he showed the pic of dong in . Then taehyung asked " so what's the order appa . What should we do now ?" " well as he has declared war by attacking our base . We will show him the power of Mafia king . So here is the plan . .................."

As they were discussing the plan someone shooted an arrow that got stuck in the window . Everyone looked at the arrow and Jin went to pull it out . There he saw a letter attached to it . He looked at Mr. Kim and nodded as the approval to open it up . Jin opened it and started reading . In the letter it was written that ........................


Hello my bootiful people . Here is another update of the book . With this chapter we enter the some of the last chapters of of this book . 🤧

Hope you all are doing fine . Take care and I will meet you next Sunday . See you soon .

Your author

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