CHAPTER :- 14 [Pain]

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Y/N POV :-

It was second last lecture going on . I was really bored listening to teacher . I mean who likes science ? Suddenly I felt uneasy or I can say uncomfortable.  I thought to wash my face so I asked " miss may I go to drink water ?" Then she said " no sit down " rudely . I cursed her mentally. Then jungshu passed me her water bottle but I returned without drinking . Then she asked ," why ? Don't you want to drink water ?" By writing it on the note book . Then I wrote ," I want to wash my face , drinking water just an excuse ." Then she nodded .

The feeling of uneasiness increased and I felt hot , like my body was burning.  I started sweating heavily. My vision started to blur and I saw black spots . Everything around me started spinning . I called for Him , I called my Chan-Min oppa . But my voice didn't came out . I felt like my body was becoming heavier with each passing second . I held my desk tightly . The feeling just increased and then I saw darkness consuming me .


I was using my phone secretly cause who want to waste time with this bitch . Then I saw y/n asking for water but she rudely denied . I felt bad for y/n but then I saw jungshu giving her water bottle to her but she returned without drinking. It was weird but I shrugged it off and focused on my phone again .

After some time I saw y/n looking disturbed then she held her desk tightly and sweat forming on her forehead . Then she fell from her chair and fainted.  I was shocked and a part of me was scared to see her like this , looking lifeless . I picked her up and took her to the medical room . I layer her down and said " ms . Min check her please . She Suddenly fainted in the class. " Then she said " ok , please wait outside . " I nodded and went out . Then I called jimin and taehyung hyung to come here .

They both came running and jimin hyung asked " what happened kook are you ok ?" Then I said " I am ok hyung but y/n she ...." and explained them everything. They were also shocked to hear . After a couple of minutes nurse Min came and said " can I know who is girl to you ?" Then tae hyung said " someone important to us ." And jimin hyung said " now tell what happened?" Then she said " well it looks like she got her periods but the reason of her fainting is they abnormal periods. I have given her the medicines available here but I advise you to get her checked properly ." We nodded and she went back .

A/N POV :-

You woke up and saw yourself on a bed . The nurse who was sitting saw you waking up and said " oh , you woke up dear . How are you feeling ?" You said " just a bit dizzy but better than before. " she nodded and said " you should lay down again . I will go and call Mr. Kim " she was about to go but you stopped her and asked " miss can I know who brought me here ?" Then she said " Mr. Kim jungkook , they was looking very tensed and scared when he bought you here ." You nodded and she went outside.

[A/n - incase you are confused that why the nurse was calling them so respectfully, that is because the school staff including teachers , principal, workers etc . Know that Mr. Kim (bts' father) practically owns the school .]

Maknae line was still waiting outside for you to wake up . The nurse came and told them that you are up . They came inside and saw you sitting up . Seeing you jimin gretured to lay down . You nodded and laid down . Then taehyung asked " how are you ,y/n ?" You said " I am better than before " then jungkook who was silent till now , spoke " y/n ,...... who is chan min ?" You wasn't paying much attention to him , shot your head to him hearing saying his name . He asked again " who is chan min , y/n ?" Jimin and taehyung who was confused just listened and then taehyung asked " what are you saying kook ?"

Jungkook spoke " before fainting she said 'chan min oppa' "  you lowered your head and those bitter sweet memories flooded in your mind . You controlled yourself so that you don't break down in front of them . Jimin noticed it and patted jungkook's thigh to signal him to shut up . Then he said " y/n if you want we can go home now " changing the topic . You nodded and went down from bed while taehyung helped you .


Sion we reached home in jimin's car and y/n hurriedly went to her room . Hobi and namjoon hyung was at home today . They both were in living room and saw us . They came to us and hobi hyung asked " guys what happened ? Why are you here ? Shouldn't you be at school now ? " then namjoon hyung said " relax hobi let them answer " then jimin said " hyung y/n fainted at school today but jungkook know everything because he was the one who told us to so ask him "

Then jungkook explained everything. And said " hyung what do you think who is this chan min ?" Then namjoon hyung said " he can be his boyfriend or something " then hobi hyung said " we should ask suga hyung to collect information about chan min " we all nodded agreeing with him and then went to our respective rooms.

Time skip

Y/N POV :-

It was evening. I was a bit embarrassed about the things that happened earlier . Then I thought ' these are normal every girl experience it and those girls who have brothers are still comfortable ' then I took some painkiller and then started studying.  After sometime my phone ringed and I picked it up without seeing the ID. "Hello y/n " I was shocked to hear the voice because it's been so long then I replied " why did you called me ?" Then the voice said "we need your help " I replied " I think last time I broke all connections with you so why "then the voice answered " it's about chan min " I was shocked to hear his name but then I remembered that chan min once got to know about it so I sighed and said " ok when we will meet " the voice said " tonight at our usual place " "ok" I said and ended the call .

A/N POV :-

You started the preparation to meet ?? But little did you know someone heard you again and the coincidence was that he is the same person who accidentally heard you before a few times .


Hello everyone

I hope you all Will like this cause this chapter is so messed up  . I am sorry I was out to ideas so I wrote whatever came to my mind .

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