★ Welcome

758 15 1

Hi guys,

I have been reading alot of one shots lately and wanted to write them myself too. Updates can be irregular since I am a  buy with studies and house stuff but I will try my best.

This one shot book just contains plot that came in my mind during uni classes.

I might use any of the plot to write a proper story later....till then bear me.

Everything is a piece of fiction... please don't take anything to heart or lungs...just wanted to say that's all.

Note: there is construction going on and all I could do is write those in my phone . I will be updating as soon as possible


These oneshots can contain:
More smut
Way more smut
top! hyunjin only
lots of fluff

note: the Jeongchan version of the same one shots is already up on my another account ...if you want to read that one


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