★ Regret

486 14 2

Warnings: none

Genre: hurt/comfort fluff

Words: 3695

Publish date: 16-03-24

Notes: See the end of the shot for more notes.


Jeongin moved through the kitchen with an infectious energy, his movements synchronized with the upbeat melody playing softly in the background. The scent of garlic and herbs danced in the air as he chopped vegetables with precision, each rhythmic stroke of the knife reflecting the excitement that bubbled within him.

"Hmm, maybe I should add a bit more garlic, he will love it." Jeongin mused to himself as he chopped vegetables with precision, the rhythmic clink of the knife against the cutting board filling the air.

A pot bubbled on the stove, and Jeongin stirred the simmering sauce with a contented smile. "Looking good," he murmured, tasting a spoonful of the sauce. “A pinch more oregano. Yass"

Hyunjin had been very busy in his office work since past few days. He would come home late and often miss dinner. Tonight Hyunjin had called him saying he will be home early tonight. He misses Hyunjin but he is aware of his work so he was extra happy tonight. His eyes sparkled with anticipation, imagining the delight on Hyunjin's face when he tasted the flavors that Jeongin was meticulously layering.

As he expertly juggled tasks, the atmosphere of the kitchen became a symphony of sizzles, clinks, and the occasional hum of satisfaction. "Almost there," Jeongin muttered, adjusting the heat on the stove and stirring the sauce with practiced ease.

His thoughts drifted to the promise of the evening — a quiet, warm dinner, just the two of them. "It's been too long since we've had a night like this," Jeongin said aloud, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

He tasted another spoonful of the sauce, savoring the blend of spices. "Perfect," he whispered to himself, his grin widening.

Lost in the joy of creation, Jeongin hummed along with the music, his anticipation building with each passing minute.

"Just a few more minutes," Jeongin said, checking the timer on the pasta. "Then it's done."

With a final glance around the kitchen, he took a deep breath, ready to share this cooking journey with the person who made every moment special.

The door still held the promise of Hyunjin's return, and he couldn't wait to see the joy in his eyes when he walked into a home filled with the love Jeongin had poured into their dinner.

The dinner was cold. Jeongin sat at the dining table, glancing at the clock with increasing impatience. The once lively music now seemed to mock him, its cheerful notes a stark contrast to the growing silence in the room.

"Where are you, Hyunjin?" Jeongin muttered to himself, his voice tinged with worry as he placed his head on the table.

As the minutes stretched into an agonizing wait, Jeongin's excitement began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of unease.

"Maybe I should give him a call," Jeongin contemplated aloud, reaching for his phone. He checked his phone, hoping for a message or a call that would explain the delay, but the screen remained stubbornly blank.

He paced the living room, his steps echoing the beat of his anxious heart. . Jeongin's mind wandered to possible scenarios, each one more distressing than the last.

"Hyunjin, please be okay," Jeongin whispered to the empty room, his voice barely above a whisper as he traced the pattern of the carpet with his restless footsteps.

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