★ You, Me and Three

594 20 10

Warnings: mpreg//

Genre: fluff, mpreg

Words: 2293

Publish date: 11-03-24

Notes: See the end of the shot for more notes


With frost painting delicate patterns on the windowpane, Jeongin stood, his breath fogging up the glass as he peered out at the wintry landscape. His cheeks rosy from the chill, his nose scrunched.

Hyunjin, passing by, noticed Jeongin's silhouette against the frosted glass and couldn't resist smiling at the sight. Seeing Jeongin lost in thought, his face pressed against the window, filled Hyunjin's heart with warmth. He approached quietly, a grin playing at the corners of his lips, eyes sparkled as an idea formed in his mind.

"Jeongin," he said with a playful grin, "Get ready quick, we are going somewhere."

Jeongin, intrigued by Hyunjin's proposal, raised an eyebrow. "Where are we going?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

With a soft smile, Hyunjin went back to their room and came out with their coats in his hand. "Let me help you," he said.

"Hyunjinnie, I can at least do that much." Jeongin chuckled as he let Hyunjin help him with the coat, and as Jeongin complied, Hyunjin couldn't help but admire how adorable he looked all bundled up.

"Now," Hyunjin said, adjusting Jeongin's scarf, softly kissing on his forehead, "you look like a cute penguin, oh my god how are you so cute."

Jeongin chuckled, a warmth spreading through him at Hyunjin's endearing antics. He waited in anticipation as Hyunjin wore his own coat and led him outside to the car, where the chilly air embraced them.

Hyunjin, the embodiment of excitement, drove with purpose, and Jeongin couldn't help but wonder where this impromptu adventure would take them. The streets passed by in a blur until they came to a stop in front of a fish aquarium shop.

Jeongin's eyes widened with delight as he took in the colorful displays behind the glass. "An aquarium?" he exclaimed, turning to Hyunjin with a bright smile. "Are we going to buy? Please say yes.!"

Hyunjin chuckled at Jeongin's enthusiasm and helped him out of the car, his hand gently supporting Jeongin's back as they walked towards the shop. "Let's see," Hyunjin replied with a grin. "But I thought we could spend some time here, enjoy the underwater world."

As they stepped into the aquarium shop, the mesmerizing world of underwater life unfolded before them. Vibrant fish danced gracefully in their tanks, and the soft glow of aquatic lights created an enchanting atmosphere. Jeongin was captivated by the beauty of the marine life, each tank unveiling a new spectacle.

Hyunjin watched Jeongin's eyes light up with joy, his smile spreading with each tank he was looking into. They strolled hand in hand, exchanging whispers about the various fish and sea creatures they encountered.

As Jeongin wandered through the colorful displays of the aquarium shop, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. He turned around, expecting to find Hyunjin right beside him, but to his surprise, Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen.

Confusion furrowing his brow, Jeongin began to move through the aisles, scanning the shop for any sign of Hyunjin. Finally, he spotted him at the counter, engaged in conversation with the shopkeeper.

Jeongin approached quietly, observing as Hyunjin gestured towards a beautiful aquarium display. The shopkeeper nodded in understanding, and Jeongin couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement building within him.

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