★ Him above Me

654 26 2

Warnings: smut top Hyunjin!, gangs

Genre: smut

Words: 3621

Publish date: 12-03-24


The neon lights flickered above the entrance as Jeongin gracefully stepped into the dimly lit bar. The air thick with cigarette smoke and the distant murmur of hushed conversations heightened the atmosphere. Dressed provocatively in a deep crimson silk shirt that left little to the imagination, paired with fitted leather pants that accentuated every curve, Jeongin exuded a blend of confidence and sensuality. The soft glow from the neon lights played upon his features, casting a provocative shadow across his face. His eyes, sharp and focused, scanned the room, noting the subtle shifts in attention.

As Jeongin moved towards the bar, the energy in the room exchanged. Whispers buzzed through the crowd, fueled by the undeniable presence he exuded. The low hum of conversations faltered, replaced by a collective awareness of his entrance.

Taking a seat at the bar, the leather stool squeaked slightly beneath him. The bartender, a grizzled figure with tattoos adorning his arms, raised an eyebrow. “What can I get you?” he grumbled, trying to conceal his Intrigue.

“A glass of your finest whiskey,” Jeongin replied, his voice a sultry melody that hinted at secrets. He couldn’t afford distractions; there was a mission to complete.

As he waited for his drink, he felt the weight of eyes upon him. The men in the bar, captivated by the revealing ensemble, exchanged glances and muttered words that he chose to ignore. A rugged-looking man at the end of the bar, nursing a drink, couldn’t help but remark, “Well, ain’t this a sight for sore eyes. What brings someone like you to a place like this?”

Jeongin’s lips curled into a playful smile as he turned to face the man. “Sometimes, the most unexpected places hold the most interesting secrets.”

Laughter erupted from a group of patrons nearby, their eyes fixed on Jeongin. Another man, leaning against a pool table, leaned in and whispered to his companion, “I wouldn’t mind being the secret he’s looking for.”

The bartender slid the glass of whiskey across the counter, meeting Jeongin’s gaze with a nod. “On the house,” he grumbled, a rare hint of admiration in his eyes.

Raising the glass to his lips, Jeongin took a sip, the amber liquid leaving a warm trail down his throat. He scanned the room again, his gaze lingering on a man in the corner, who seemed both intrigued and cautious.

In another corner of the bar, a group of men engaged in a hushed conversation. “Who’s this guy?” one of them whispered, eyeing Jeongin with a mixture of awe and envy. “I’ve never seen anyone like him around here.”

“He’s trouble,” replied an older patron, his voice low and gruff. “You can tell just by looking at him. People like that don’t come into a place like this for a quiet drink.”

Jeongin’s presence continued to command attention, the bar’s atmosphere became charged with curiosity and speculation. Unbeknownst to him, in the shadows of the same bar, Hyunjin, the formidable underworld boss, watched with a subtle interest. Unlike the usual dives he frequented for business, Hyunjin rarely set foot in establishments like this. Today, however, the meeting was crucial, and the location had been chosen for its discreet atmosphere

He seldom allowed himself to be distracted, but his gaze inadvertently locked onto Jeongin, who sat at the bar, seemingly unaffected by the shift in the room’s energy.

His men exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the rare focus in their boss’s eyes. “Hyunjin’s got his eyes on someone,” whispered one of the men.

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