★ Mask off

425 14 0

Warnings: none

Genre: fluff, and kiss

Words: 2612

Publish date: 05-04-24

Notes: See the end of the shot for more notes.


Hyunjin is a bum. That's what Minho said for the hundredth time, forcing him to stand. The grand ballroom pulsated with vibrant energy, the air thick with laughter and the melodic strains of music. Yet amidst the swirling sea of masks and elaborate costumes, Hyunjin found himself seated at a secluded corner table, his expression a mask of annoyance and disinterest. His fingers drummed impatiently against the polished surface of the table, betraying his growing irritation.

Beside him, Minho, his ever-optimistic friend, persisted in his attempts to coax Hyunjin out of his sour mood. "Seriously, Hyunjin, what's with the long face?" Minho nudged him, a playful glint in his eye masked by the ornate disguise he wore.

"Come on, Hyunjin, loosen up! You can't just sit here like a bump on a log all night," he urged, his voice tinged with exasperation.

Hyunjin shot him a glare that could have frozen fire. "I told you already, Minho. I didn't want to come to this stupid party in the first place," he grumbled, his tone laced with frustration.

Minho sighed dramatically, as if the weight of Hyunjin's annoyance rested solely upon his shoulders. "You're impossible, you know that?" he teased, though his tone held a hint of genuine concern. "Just try to have a little fun, will you? It's not every day we get to attend a masquerade ball." He paused annoyingly looking at Hyunjin from head to toe.

“And if your dumbass didn’t remember, this is a masquerade ball. You’re the only one without a mask here. It was literally on the invitation. Did you miss the memo or something?”

“I didn’t read the invite.” Hyunjin sneered. “And this isn't my idea of fun," he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Being surrounded by a bunch of pretentious strangers wearing masks? No thanks."

Changbin, who had been quietly observing the exchange, finally chimed in with his own brand of sarcasm. "You know, Hyunjin, you're doing a great job of blending in. I almost didn't recognize you without your mask," he quipped, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he made his way into the crowd.

Hyunjin shot him a withering look. "Ha ha, very funny, Changbin," he replied dryly, his annoyance evident. "Maybe I'll just go find a cardboard box to wear on my head. That should fit right in with the rest of these ridiculous costumes."

As Hyunjin stewed in his annoyance, Minho's attention was diverted by a sight across the room. He noticed a young man standing at the wine area, his posture relaxed as he poured himself a drink. A mischievous smirk spread across Minho's face as he nudged Hyunjin with his elbow.

"Look at that boy over there," Minho said with a sly grin, nodding in the direction of the wine area. "The one pouring himself a drink."

Hyunjin glanced over, his curiosity piqued despite himself. "Huh, wonder what's got him so parched," he mused, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Minho chuckled, adjusting his suit with a flourish. "Who knows? But he clearly doesn't know how thirsty I am," he quipped, winking playfully as he gestured to himself. "Maybe I'll even teach him a thing or two about how to properly quench one's thirst," he said with a wink, before making his way over to the wine area with a confident stride.

As Hyunjin watched Minho disappear into the crowd, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't deny the infectious energy of the masquerade ball, and the prospect of unexpected encounters lurking around every corner.

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