★ Mine & Mine Only

490 19 12

Warnings: smut top!hyunjin

Genre: fluff, smut, and more smut

Words: 4796

Publish date: 11-05-24

Notes: See the end of the shot for more notes.


Jeongin was on the verge. He swore that if that ugly man tried to flirt with Hyunjin one more time... well, he wasn't entirely sure what he'd do, but it wouldn't be pretty.

Standing by Hyunjin's side amidst the bustling crowd of Hyunjin's colleagues, Jeongin tried to maintain a smile as Hyunjin engaged in conversation. Hyunjin, ever the charming and affable host, seemed oblivious to the flirtations of his colleague's partner, or at least that’s what Jeongin thought, but Jeongin noticed every subtle glance.

As Jeongin stood by Hyunjin's side, trying to maintain his composure despite the relentless flirtations of the man beside them, he couldn't help but seethe inwardly. The man, whose name Jeongin had deliberately forgotten in an attempt to maintain some semblance of civility, seemed determined to outdo himself in the art of cringe-worthy pick-up lines.

"Hey there, handsome," the man purred, leaning a little too close for comfort. "You must be tired, Cause you've been running through my mind all night."

Jeongin fought the urge to roll his eyes. Running through his mind? More like giving him a headache. But he plastered on a fake smile, nodding along as if he found the man's advances remotely charming.

As the man continued his relentless pursuit of Hyunjin's attention, his flirty compliments grew more exaggerated and absurd.

"You know, Hyunjin," the man said with a suggestive wink, "you're like a fine wine—only getting better with age. And those eyes of yours? They're like pools of liquid chocolate, just begging to be dipped into."

Jeongin's mind whirled with increasingly creative—and increasingly absurd—methods of dealing with the persistent flirt. Perhaps he could lure him into a game of pin the tail on the donkey, only to replace the tail with an actual donkey? Or he could suggest a friendly game of tug-of-war, only to tie the other end of the rope to a speeding train?

The possibilities were endless, and with each passing moment, Jeongin's imagination grew more twisted and inventive. Maybe he could convince the man to participate in a magic trick, only to make him disappear for real? Or perhaps he could challenge him to a hot pepper eating contest, only to substitute the peppers with sticks of dynamite?

But just as Jeongin was mentally calculating the logistics of rigging the party's disco ball to come crashing down on the unsuspecting flirt, Hyunjin's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Well, thank you for the compliments," he said with a playful grin, "but I think my husband might have something to say about all this flirting."

Jeongin's mouth dropped open in disbelief, a faint wisp of smoke seemingly rising from his ears as he struggled to comprehend what he had just heard. Did Hyunjin just flirt back with the man who had been hitting on him all night?

Meanwhile, the persistent flirt giggled in response to Hyunjin's playful banter, seemingly oblivious to the storm brewing in Jeongin's mind. "Ah, your husband," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I'm sure he won't mind sharing you for a little while."

Jeongin's grip on his composure slipped further as he fought the urge to launch himself across the room and throttle the oblivious man into silence. Share Hyunjin? Over his dead body.

Hyunjin continued his playful teasing with the persistent flirt, he couldn't help but notice Jeongin's increasingly incredulous expression out of the corner of his eye. The faint hint of jealousy on Jeongin’s face only added to his amusement, and Hyunjin couldn't resist a small, internal chuckle at the thought of teasing his husband further.

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