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{hey my loves, back with another story. I just finished writing another called Unrequited desire though I won't be posting it here because I'll be publishing it around may, wish me luck, also I'm posting this story because I don't want to lose the motivation I've already mustered to write a new story, So updates will be on a daily and also very random, so please vote and comment what you think about the first chapter.}

TW: contains abuse and bullying.


"Dad, please stop it hurts!" Liam sobbed, as his father's kicks landed in his stomach again and again. The man paused when he noticed Liam was at the verge of losing consciousness. He stood over the boy, breathing heavily and watched as the tears ran down his face.

"I'll pay the rent once I get paid." Liam said in between sobs, as he groaned at the pain that clouded his stomach which he clutched with both hands while on the floor.

"You better." His father said as he walked out closing the door with a bang. Liam grabbed his backpack which was on the floor, as he wiped his tears away. he stood up ignoring the pain, as he was getting late for the academy.  He walked on the concrete road deep in thought. Liam never knew why his life was the way it was.

He thought maybe he was cursed in his past life to ever experience such brutality from his parents. Liam lived in a neighbourhood called the Divided district. This neighbourhood had two sides to it. The west side and the east side. The west side was where the rich and filthy rich lived, while on the east side the poor and medium class lived there. Though there wasn't any rule about people staying on their side.

They were joined when it came to jobs and there wasn't any random fighting. The Ivory Academy was on the east side and Liam went there. He got in through a scholarship as he studied hard and was a straight A student. His parents almost didn't allow him to go study there but they let him go so he'd study and get a job earlier than expected so he could support them.

His parents had good paying jobs but Liam knew his parents made sure to make his life a living hell and that included paying rent. Liam laughed at his own predicament, why did his parents treat him this way? What had he done to deserve this? It made no sense. He had a little sister which they loved so much, she got everything she ever asked for while he had to work to get by a day in that house. He was almost a stranger.

Liam quickened his little steps when he noticed he was getting late. He settled on jogging because he didn't want to get there late and find himself given cleaning duty for a whole week. Liam got there just in time and ran into his class. Liam had no friends, no one thought to befriend the poor kid. His parents weren't poor though, just he was the poor one, in his parents' house. Liam sat upfront as they waited for the mathematics teacher to arrive. He took his books and his pencil case out which only consisted of a pen and pencil, the pencil case was worn out. It was his little sister's; he had found It in the bin at the back of the house.

"weren't you wearing the same outfit yesterday dweeb?" someone said. Liam recognized that voice from anywhere and each time it made his insides churn, couldn't he just go one day without getting beat up? Well, it seemed like a wish that would never come true. Liam didn't reply instead he prayed the teacher would hurry up and come to class before Toby beat him up into a pulp, he couldn't stand to sustain injuries he wouldn't be able to afford it. Liam didn't reply but ignored him, big mistake.

"I'm talking to you." Tobby sneered as he grabbed Liam's chin holding it so tightly Liam got uncomfortable. Liam tried pulling back or beating up Tobby's hand but to no avail. His little punches didn't hurt him.

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