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(Double update?shocking, like I said the updates will be very random.) :D


Liam and Daniel got settled in an expensive restaurant down in the west side. Liam felt out of place and uncomfortable because most of the people there wore expensive suits and dresses and reeked of money while he reeked of nothing but poverty. He felt like dirt in the place and was afraid that as soon as he left the restaurant, they would clean it whole again to remove his stench. 

But he didn't say anything to Daniel because it was out of kindness that he had brought him here. But Daniel noticed and felt bad. He saw how small and thin Liam looked and he needed him to eat more even though he didn't want to force food down his throat in case Liam had an eating disorder.

"If you aren't comfortable, we can go down to the food truck a few blocks from here. It's not much far of a walk." Daniel said as he saw how Liam looked.

"No... it's okay I don't mind." Liam said in a low voice which almost came as a whisper to Daniel's ears.

"You don't have to act like you like the place to please me, I really don't mind taking you somewhere comfortable." Daniel said. Liam looked down to his thighs as he fiddled with hem of the plain tee he wore, nibbling on his lower lip. He looked at Daniel who only stared at him smiling. Daniel hadn't noticed Liam had doe eyes. Which looked pretty.

"No... it's okay." Liam said. Liam wasn't used to being given options nor was he allowed to give his certain opinions on things, at his house nothing Liam did or said was taken as something important.

Daniel ordered a four-course meal, for the both of them. Once the food arrived Liam stared at the food and didn't touch it. Not that he was afraid of Daniel, more like he felt like he didn't deserve to be fed by someone other than himself or taken as important as Daniel was right now.

He felt so small but didn't want Daniel to notice. How was he even supposed to act? He didn't know how to use the cutlery placed on the table and he was so afraid of touching the plates as well because he didn't want to be clumsy with them and break them. He wouldn't be able to pay off the expense.

"Eat, and if you can't use the cutlery just use your hands, no one cares." Daniel beamed. When Daniel said that he felt himself relax as he calmed himself down. He took a bite of small cake pastry and munched on it as the sweetness exploded in his mouth. He had never had something as good as this. Liam ate everything on the table.

He even drank the water on the as he flunked in his seat letting out a burb while rubbing his full stomach. Daniel was taken aback by how Liam ate everything on the table but also came to the conclusion that maybe he didn't have an ED but was starved back at home. Daniel chose to keep a straight face like he hadn't noticed anything.

Liam sat up straight and looked at the empty plates on the table while Daniel hadn't even gone halfway with his salad, had he scared Daniel? Shouldn't he have kept some to take home so he could eat them after work? Speaking of which, what time was it?

"Daniel, what time is it?" Liam questioned.

"One PM, is there any specific place you want to go?"

"Work, but it's okay I still have an hour left." Liam replied.

"Did you like the food?" Daniel asked raising his eyebrow and looking at Liam.

"It. Was. Amazing." Liam said in between pauses.

"So, you wouldn't mind if I ordered more for you to take home?" Daniel asked as he signalled for the waiter. Sometimes Liam thought that Daniel was mind reader,how could this boy just do everything Liam thought. But Liam was blind to one fact, Daniel was just observant and well Liam wasn't very careful with hiding his pain. Daniel ordered for more food and asked the waiter to bag it for him and add it to his credit card, Liam watched as the waiter walked away and came back with a slip and a bag full of food in his hand.

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