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Don't forget to check out my new story, my arrogant ROYAL. And 2 more chapters to go for this one.

Chapter 11.

Michael was the bane of Toby's existence, a constant annoyance that he just couldn't escape. No matter how many times he blocked Michael's number, he always found a way to get through. And his most recent text was the most disgusting yet. It was too much for Toby to bear, and he couldn't even bring himself to respond. He just wanted to forget Michael ever existed, and never have to deal with him again. But deep down, he knew that would be impossible.

'can't you see we're made for each other?'

'You're so annoying, I'm still blocking you after this.'

'I'd still figure out a way to text you.'

'Fuck you.'

'Takes two.'


'Come put it inside me then.'

As Toby drove to the east side, his stomach was in knots. He knew he had to confront Michael, to put an end to the constant harassment once and for all. But he couldn't help but feel like a third wheel as Liam and Daniel sat in the backseat, oblivious to his inner turmoil. He was stuck in this uncomfortable situation, knowing that the only way out was to face head on. As they came he drove closer and closer to Micheal's house, Toby's heart was pounding in his chest. He knew he had to do this, even if it meant feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.

"Michael won't stop bothering you?" Liam asked out of the blue, his voice jolting Toby back to reality.

"No, and he's a real pain in the butt," Toby replied, annoyance in his voice but trying to keep it level, knowing how sensitive Liam was. Suddenly, he felt protective of the young boy, wanting to help him however he could.Liam responded, "Maybe when we get to his place, you can talk to him and figure out why he's been bugging you so much. Maybe there's something we don't know about." Liam said.

As Liam watched Toby's frustration with Michael, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the story. He knew Michael liked Toby, but it was clear those feelings weren't reciprocated. And yet, Liam couldn't find it in himself to tell Toby how he really felt about the whole situation. It was a delicate balance, trying to support his friend and the one that bullied him.The whole time, Michael had been sending messages that made it clear how he felt, but Toby just didn't seem to feel the same way.He was into girls, not guys, and there was no way he was going to change that.

As the three boys entered Michael's house, Miss Golden was there to greet them. She gave Liam a warm smile and said goodbye as she headed out to brunch with her friends. Michael came bounding down the stairs, excited to see his guests, and he engulfed Liam in a big hug. Daniel watched on, a bit jealous of the closeness between Michael and Liam, but he tried to push the feelings aside. They were just friends, after all. As Michael greeted Daniel and Toby, he seemed more relaxed and comfortable than he had been before. Maybe things were finally starting to change.

They all sat down on the couch, chatting and laughing as Michael told jokes and stories. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable, and even Toby felt at ease. It was strange, but he actually found Michael to be pretty interesting. Maybe he'd been too quick to judge him.

"So, Toby," Michael said with a mischievous smile, "do you have a girlfriend?"Toby almost choked on his water at the question, caught off guard by the suddenness of it.

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