Secrets releaved.

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New story posted, My arrogant ROYAL.
Y'all thought I wasn't going to post today? Sike! *eye wink emoji*

Chapter 10.

As he sat around Daniel's family, putting on a happy face and pretending that everything was okay, the weight of his past felt like a leaden ball in his stomach. He was grateful for the warmth and kindness of Daniel's family, but it also felt like a reminder of the lack of love he'd experienced growing up. He couldn't help but wonder how he was going to move forward in his life, how he would find a way to be truly free of his past. Even though he had left his parents' home, he still felt trapped by their influence.

It felt impossible to bring up his past with Daniel, even though he knew he could trust him. How could he even begin to broach such a heavy topic? "Hey, funny story, my dad and mom abused me and my dad also..." No, that was way too blunt.

During dinner, Liam was caught up in the laughter and warmth of Daniel's family, especially his mother, Lillian, who doted on him like he was her own son. It was a heartwarming sight, and the bickering between Lillian and her husband, Henry, over who loved Liam more only made it more charming. It was a side of family life that he had never experienced before, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. He wished that he could have had this all along.

As Liam stood in front of the mirror, he noticed the bruises on his stomach were finally beginning to heal, even though he hadn't been hit in a while. It was a strange feeling, to see the evidence of past abuse slowly fading away. As he ran his fingers over the fading marks, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that the physical scars were beginning to heal. But as he turned to the side, he noticed something else - the extra weight he had gained over the past few weeks. Even though he hadn't been trying to put on weight, he couldn't deny the evidence in front of him.

Just then, Liam noticed Daniel standing in the corner of the mirror, looking at him with a concerned expression on his face. He knew he couldn't hide the truth from Daniel any longer. He had to come clean, even if it meant risking whatever him and Daniel had.

As Liam lay on Daniel's chest, he couldn't help but feel at peace, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of  Daniel's presence. He knew he was about to share something that could change their relationship forever, but in this moment, he just wanted to savor the feeling of being close to someone who cared about him. But as he lay there, a thought occurred to him - what about Lacy? Daniel had been dating her, and now he was clearly developing feelings for Liam. Was it fair to her, to continue with this deception? Or was it even possible to stop his feelings from growing, now that they had fully developed.

"I broke up with Lacy, in case you were wondering," Daniel said, his voice loud and clear. Liam's shoulders relaxed at the news, sinking into Daniel's touch.

"There are some things I need to tell you," Liam said, his voice heavy with emotion. "And I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore after this or whatever we are. I wouldn't blame you." Liam sighed, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground, afraid to look up at Daniel. He knew that what he was about to say would be confusing and possibly hurtful, and he didn't want to see the look on Daniel's face when he said it.

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked, concern lacing his voice. He had a feeling that he knew where this conversation was headed, but he wanted to hear it from Liam's lips. He knew that Liam kept a lot to himself, and he wondered how much of it he was about to share. "What is it?" he asked again, his tone soft and gentle.

"You've probably wondered why my house was so different from me," Liam said, his voice steady despite the emotions he was clearly feeling. "Well, it's because my parents never really lived with me as a family. I was more of a stranger to them than their own son." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I never understood why I would get beaten for the smallest things, or even for breathing too 'loud'. It was ridiculous, and I didn't deserve it." He shook his head, clearly haunted by the memories.

"When my little sister, Susan, was born, I thought things would get better. I thought the attention would shift from me to her, but I was wrong. Instead, all the household chores were piled on me, including grocery shopping and taking care of the yard. I was only fourteen years old, and yet I felt like I had become an adult before my time." His voice started to crack, and he sniffled, trying to hold back tears. Daniel held him closer, giving him a reassuring squeeze, letting him know that he was there for him.

"There was one day that I did something really stupid, something I still regret to this day," Liam said, his voice trembling. "I blame myself because if I hadn't snuck into the kitchen cabinet, those terrible things would have never happened to me." He took a deep, shaky breath, his body tense as he relived the memory. "My meals at home were so limited. Sometimes I couldn't eat at all. I could only choose to eat in the morning, afternoon, or at night, but not at the same time. I had to choose. But one day, I was so hungry. I couldn't sleep. I snuck into the kitchen cabinet to steal some biscuits, and that's when I ran into my father, who was reeking of alcohol. He was furious with me."Liam's tears were flowing freely now, and he could barely speak through the sobs.

"Hey,hey, it's okay you don't have to actually tell me if it makes you cry, I can wait till you are very much comfortable." Daniel said hugging Liam tighter. Giving him all the comfort he could ever give him.

"He physically dragged me up to my room," Liam said, his voice shaking with emotion, "and then he... he... he..." Liam struggled to find the words, his body shaking with sobs. "I'll spare you the details, but he violated me, and called it 'punishment'. No matter how many times I cried or apologized, he didn't stop. He kept going until I passed out." Liam's voice broke as he finished his story, and it was clear that he was still deeply traumatized by the experience.

Daniel held him close, feeling completely heartbroken for his friend. He knew that there was nothing he could do to change what had happened, but he wanted to do everything in his power to help Liam heal. He wanted to help him feel safe and loved, even if it was just with his presence. "Liam," he said softly, "you didn't deserve any of that. It was never your fault, and you don't have to feel ashamed or embarrassed. What he did to you was wrong, and I'm so sorry that it happened to you." He hugged Liam tighter, trying to offer him as much comfort and support as he could.

"As if that wasn't much damage, they kicked me out the last time you dropped me off, I live with Miss Golden now, yet they still have me pinned saying I need to give them the money I'm earning. I'm free yet still locked up." Liam said, his tears couldn't stop flowing and Daniel didn't stop comforting him.

"They kicked you out? After everything that happened, they kicked you out?" Daniel couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was one thing to hurt someone like that, but to then cast them out on the street? It was unforgivable. "And now they're trying to take your money, too? That's just... beyond despicable. You don't owe them anything, Liam. You've been through enough." He held him close, wishing he could take all of his pain away. "And Miss Golden, she's helping you? That's good, at least." Daniel paused. "Look,somewhere somehow things will all work out,you'll see." Daniel smiled lifting Liam chin and giving him a peck on his forehead giving him a more secure hug.

"You're right, it'll all work out in the end," Liam said, his voice a little more hopeful. He looked up at Daniel, his eyes still a little red from crying, and gave him a small smile. "Thank you, for everything. For listening, for caring, and for just... being you." He hugged him back, grateful for Daniel and his support.

Once he had a moment to compose himself, Liam realized how heavy the mood had become. He wanted to lighten it up, to return to the easy banter and friendship that he and Daniel shared.

"I think Miss Golden's grandson,Micheal, likes Toby." Liam let out a chuckle as he faced Daniel who widened his eyes in shock. It's only then they heard a knock on the door. Liam fixed himself up making sure he looked presentable as Daniel muttered a come in. Toby budged in, his phone In his hand as he walked in holding his phone up and showing it to Daniel and Liam who only squinted their eyes as it wasn't visible.

"Who the hell gave that creep Micheal,my number?" Toby exclaimed, clearly annoyed. Daniel and Liam burst out laughing, unable to contain their amusement at Toby's reaction. Even though the situation was frustrating for Toby, the others couldn't help but find the whole thing hilarious. Toby had just confirmed what Liam had said a few seconds ago.

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