Introduced to his world.

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{loved this chapter so much,hope y'all do too,sorry it's so short.}


Liam's eyes widened as they pulled up to Daniel's house. It was unlike any house he had ever seen before - it was a mansion! It was huge and extravagant, with beautiful gardens and a grand entrance. He couldn't believe that Daniel lived in such a lavish home. It was clear that his family was extremely wealthy. As they got out of the car, a butler in a suit opened the door for them, greeting them politely.

The butler was middle-aged, with kind eyes and a warm smile. He seemed to be an integral part of the household, and Liam couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the grandeur of it all. He followed Daniel inside, where the butler led them to a spacious living room. The room was decorated with exquisite furniture and paintings, and Liam felt like he had stepped into a palace.

He stood there, unsure of what to do or say, feeling completely out of place. He wasn't used to such luxury, and it made him feel uneasy. Daniel, on the other hand, seemed completely at ease, as if this was his everyday life. It made Liam wonder what it must be like to grow up in such a world of wealth and privilege.

Both the boys relaxed for a while as Toby graced them with his presence. Sometimes Liam really forgot that Toby was related to Daniel and he would see him quite often no matter how many times he tried avoiding Toby, He would be a part of his life whether he wanted it or not, its times like this Liam wanted to know why Toby hated him but realised he could be like his parents, he didn't have a reason.

"When did we open an orphanage?" Toby sneered. Liam knew he meant him,but those words didn't actually bother him because he was sort of used to Toby saying something out of context to hurt his feelings or to get a reason to beat him up and even though Daniel stood in between them he knew it was just a matter time for Toby it get him alone again and will make him pay for coming to his house. The two brothers stared each other down until they were interrupted by someone, who cleared their throat.

"Daniel my dear, where you been? I've missed you so much." A woman said as she came fourth embracing Daniel who hugged her back smiling, it was then she noticed Liam as her smile got wider.

"who's this little cute thing? You never told me you were bringing someone home." The woman said as she grinned letting go of Daniel and studying Liam like he was some sort of book. Liam felt her gaze last longer than it should on him and he knew it was because of how unpleasant he looked and pretty much dirty. He hadn't bathed, more like he didn't get a chance to.

"Hey! I'm Daniel's mother, your so cute I could eat you." Daniel's mother said as she squeezed Liam's cheek.

"Mom! Stop, you'll scare him away," Daniel interjected as he pulled Liam away from his mother's hold.

"Okay fine, you can call me Lillian and if your comfortable enough you can call me mom too." She said smiling as she ruffled Liam's hair walking away. Why wasn't his mom this caring? She didn't care about how he looked nor did she question his status, now Liam knew where Daniel got kindness from, was it that Toby chose to not be kind or did he inherit being so rude from someone else?

"See, you're the only one that has a problem with Liam, mother already likes him." Daniel said smiling and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, let's see how father reacts, I bet you ten dollars he'll kick him out." Toby said as he walked away the same way his mother did.

"Do you want to meet my father first or do you want to wash up then change into something more comfortable?" Daniel asked as pulled Liam closer to him putting his arm over Liam.

"I'd like to wash up first please." Liam said looking at Daniel with those blue doe eyes, as he smiled faintly, they had a small glow to them.


" doesn't matter, let me dry it up for you so you won't catch a cold." Daniel said.

"You know you shouldn't pamper me so much, if you leave, I won-"

"Who said I'm going anywhere?" Daniel scoffed, he held Liam by the chin as he brought his face up, Laying a kiss on Liam's forehead. He turned crimson soon after.

"You like getting me shy and flustered right?" Liam said playing with the hem of an oversized tee he wore, which made him look cute and small compared to Daniel, his hair caressed his forehead as he tried forgetting what Daniel said.

"Want to go have Dinner with my parents? I'm sure you'll like them, and if you feel uneasy, we can have it served here in my room and we could watch something on the television, or whatever you want, it's your call." Daniel said as he stood up walking to the bathroom. There it was again, Liam had options to choose from. His opinion mattered but soon sadness still clouded his heart, how could his parents just leave like that? Where was he going to sleep if Daniel wasn't kind enough to invite him over to his house. His family was so toxic and with that he envied Daniel's one, they were so much open and kind with each other while he was treated like an outcast in his own home.

Liam walked over to the mirror, curious to see how he looked. His reflection stared back at him, his eyes dull and his face gaunt. He lifted his shirt and ran his hand over his stomach, which was completely flat. His hair was clean and fragrant, thanks to Daniel's help.

He looked so different from the dirty and disheveled boy he had been just a few hours ago. But beneath the surface, he felt the same despair and self-loathing that had been haunting him for so long. No matter how much he tried to put on a brave face, he couldn't escape the dark thoughts that kept him up at night. He took a deep breath, measuring the space between his index finger and thumb, realizing how thin he was. He couldn't hide from his past, no matter how hard he tried. It was seared into his mind, a constant reminder of all the things he'd rather forget.

"You're so gorgeous, you know that?" Daniel said as he leaned against the bathroom door, he had been there for a while now and he knew from a distance Liam was judging himself. How much was this boy going through?

"Stop lying." Liam deadpanned.

"why'd I lie to you?" Daniel asked.

"you're the pretty one between the both of us." Liam's words hung in the air, and for a moment, Daniel was silent. Then, he walked over to Liam and wrapped his arms around him from behind. His fingers intertwined with Liam's, resting on his stomach, and his chin rested on Liam's shoulder. Daniel's breath was warm against Liam's ear, and he could feel the other boy's heartbeat, steady and strong. And then, Daniel whispered something in Liam's ear, something so soft and reassuring that it made Liam's heart skip a beat.

"don't you ever compare yourself to me, I do not like it." Daniel said. Liam's heart pounded as Daniel spoke, his low voice sending shivers down his spine. He could feel the other boy's breath on his neck, his body pressed against his back, and he wondered how it was possible to feel so close to someone else. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to feel this way, or if Daniel even knew the effect, he had on him. He could feel his own heartbeat quickening, and the heat between them was almost unbearable. It was as if they were on fire, even though they were both fully clothed. Liam tried to make sense of what was happening, but he couldn't.

All he knew was that Daniel was a force to be reckoned with. He was magnificent, kind, and Liam couldn't understand why he had chosen to befriend him. He never expected to have a friend like this, and he never even wished for it. All he had ever wanted was to leave his parent's home, to escape the toxic environment that had made him feel so trapped. But now, he felt like there was something worth staying for. Something that made him feel alive, for the first time in a long time.

"Daniel..." Liam's voice was barely a whisper. It sounded more like a moan than a word, and it made Daniel's stomach flip. He felt weak and disoriented, unsure of what to do or say. Were friends supposed to feel like this? Were they supposed to touch each other in such a way?

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

{I know,I know, Daniel protect my baby at all cost.) :D

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