The calm before the storm.

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(I know I didn't update yesterday was a little caught up,still am but here's a little something.)


Daniel tossed and turned in his bed, unable to get a wink of sleep. His mind kept replaying the scene with Liam over and over again, tormenting him with what-ifs and should-haves. He couldn't stop thinking about what he could have done differently to stop Liam from leaving. He felt guilty and ashamed, and he couldn't stop the thoughts from racing through his mind. He tried to block them out, but they just kept coming, one after another, like waves crashing on the shore.

As Daniel made his way down the corridor, the dark shadows cast by the moonlight made him feel as though he were a thief, creeping through the halls. Each door he opened revealed a different guest room, all of them silent and still, until he reached the last one which was located next to Toby's room. As he opened the door, he saw Liam curled up on the bed, his face wet with tears. He seemed completely lost, like a child who had lost his way. Daniel stood in the doorway, frozen, unsure of what to do or say. His heart ached at the sight of Liam's pain. He wanted to do something to help.

Liam sat on the bed, knees drawn up to his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. The reflection in the mirror seemed to mock him, reminding him of how small and insignificant he felt. He knew that his fate was sealed, and there was nothing he could do to change it.

Daniel soon moved from the doorway and stood right in front of the mirror, but Liam didn't seem to notice him. He was staring into the mirror, his eyes fixated on the reflection as if he were looking at something that wasn't there. Daniel wondered if Liam could see something in the mirror that he couldn't see. Was it a memory, or was it something else entirely? Whatever it was, it had a hold on Liam, and Daniel couldn't seem to break through.

"I'm a good boy," Liam sobbed. "I'm a good boy." His words were a desperate plea.

Daniel felt completely at a loss. He knew that what Liam needed most right now was comfort, but he was afraid to touch him for fear of making him feel even worse. He didn't want to invade Liam's space or make him feel like he was being forced to do anything. But he also didn't want to just stand there and watch while Liam suffered. He felt paralyzed, stuck between wanting to help and not knowing how. All he could do was watch as Liam's tears continued to flow, his whole-body trembling. It was as if he were trapped in his own mind, unable to escape the torment.

Dad, it hurts." Liam mumbled, His voice coming out almost as a whisper.

Liam's voice was barely audible, but Daniel heard the words "Dad, it hurts," and his heart sank. It was clear that whatever was happening to Liam was causing him great pain, both physically and emotionally. It was as if he were trapped in a nightmare, unable to wake up or escape. Daniel knew he had to do something, but he was afraid of making the situation worse. He felt torn, like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He just wanted to help, but he didn't know how.

"Liam." Daniel said it out softly. The name hung in the air, a single word that seemed to encapsulate all of Daniel's worry and concern. He spoke it so softly, as if he were afraid of disturbing the fragile balance of the moment. It was as if he were afraid to speak too loudly, to make any sudden movements, for fear of shattering the moment like a glass figurine. Liam, who was just a few feet away, did not respond.




"Liam, it's Daniel," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I came to give you a hug. Can I... is that okay?" He knew he was treading on thin ice, unsure of how his words would be received. But he had to try, for the sake of his friend who was hurting so deeply. He took a cautious step forward, his hand outstretched. The room was silent, the air thick with anticipation. Would Liam accept his offer of comfort, or push him away?

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