One leg into the blackhole.

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(I genuinely didn't want this chapter being sad but my mind didn't agree with me.)


Liam packed what little belongings he had. He didn't want anything to weigh him down, not even the emotional baggage of his past. He knew he couldn't go to Daniel's house, even though it would be the easy thing to do. He didn't want to be a burden, and he knew that Daniel had his own life to live and being his caretaker wasn't one of them. He tried to talk to his parents one last time, but they wouldn't even look at him.

He left the house with the clothes in his bag and the memories of a broken home. He had no phone, no friends, and no social life to speak of. He had no idea what to do next. He couldn't stay on the street; he had no money or resources to find a place to stay. He felt like he was back to square one, or even further back, to below zero.

He was lost, afraid, and alone. But even in this moment of despair, there was a part of him that felt relieved. He was free from the abuse and starvation that he had suffered in his home. He was free to start over, even if he had no idea how to do so. He was at a crossroads, and he didn't know which way to turn.

Liam was halfway through walking in the cold, his body shaking from the chill, when he bumped into Miss Golden. She was a kind woman who lived right next door, and she'd always had a soft spot for Liam. She didn't like his parents, though - there was something about them that she couldn't quite put her finger on. But despite that, she'd always been happy to take messages for them, just so she could talk to Liam. She'd always thought of him as her favourite person.


"Where are you going so late?" Miss Golden asked, a smile on her face despite the seriousness of the situation. Her wrinkles deepened as she frowned at the thought of Liam out in the cold. "It's freezing out there, you'll freeze to death!" She was genuinely concerned for him, and it showed in her face and her tone of voice. She wanted to help him, to make sure he was safe and warm.

"I- I- I think..." Liam stammered, unable to find the words to explain himself. He couldn't lie to Miss Golden; he knew she wouldn't buy any silly story he could come up with. He was at a loss for words, and he felt a wave of panic wash over him. He was embarrassed and ashamed, and he didn't know what to do next. He just stood there, frozen in place, hoping Miss Golden would take pity on him and offer some help. Without any questioning of course.

Miss Golden cocked her eyebrow when Liam didn't respond. But instead of pushing him, she chose to ignore it. "You can come stay at my house," she said. "No one else lives there but me and my grandson, Michael. You can sleep with him for the time being." She tugged on Liam's jacket, pulling him towards her home. Liam didn't know why Miss Golden was being so kind to him, and he didn't have the energy to question it.

All he knew was that he was grateful for her offer, and he was happy to accept it. But a nagging doubt lingered in the... back of his mind. Had Miss Golden heard the gossip about his family? Did she know the truth about what was going on in his home? Liam pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to ruin the moment. He followed Miss Golden to her house, feeling a sense of relief that he wouldn't be alone tonight that he wouldn't have to spend it on the street.

"You know, you really should talk to your mother about her shouting so much," Miss Golden said, her tone gentle but firm. "Michael's room is closer to hers, and we often hear everything. Plus, how could she just throw you out like that, saying you were a burden? What kind of mother treats their child like that?" She held onto Liam's wrist as she spoke, her grip tight but not painful. It was as if she was trying to make sure he didn't disappear, to make sure he knew she was there for him.

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