Prisoner 01 INTERROGATION: Hypertension

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Ichika enters the interrogation room as Saki looks up

Saki: Ichi, you're late, you know.

Ichika: Prisoner 01, my apologies.

Saki: it's okay! Oh! I should introduce myself. My name is Saki tenma! 17 years old and a high school student!

Ichika: I see, what do you think of milgram?

Saki: it's kind of new but the people here probably prefer to be back at home.

Ichika: as murderers, you don't deserve to go home without serving justice

(A pause)

Saki: I-I didn't murder anyone!

Ichika: If that was true, you wouldn't be at milgram.

Saki: what if this "milgram" of yours made a mistake, huh!?

Ichika: are you trying to say that milgram made a mistake?

Saki: Milgram this? Milgram that? Don't you get bored of it? You know, I think milgram has it's head up it's own ass.

Saki: After all, what if I lie, hm? How do you know if I'm telling a lie?

Ichika: milgram has a way of extracting your memories, so we'll be able to see whether you're lying or not.

Ichika: anyway, is there any issues within this prison?

Saki: hmmm...none that I can think of. Everything is just sooo nice and bright. Everyone gets along just fine

Ichika: Do you take me for an idiot?

Saki: Whaaat? I never said such a thing! But to answer your question, yes! You're just a stupid egomaniacal idiot who'll never figure anything out.

Ichika: I've noticed that your personality changed when I mentioned murder

Saki: well, of course! Any girl would get defensive is they were accused of such a horrific thing!

Ichika: so you don't want to talk about your murder?

Saki: a girl like me could never do such a thing

Ichika: you know dodging the question is useless,right?

Saki: I don't know what you mean, I'm not dodging anything

Ichika: why so defensive if you didn't murder anyone?

Saki, Ichiii, your being so meean, I never murdered anyone!

Ichika: I see, in that case, this might force something out of you...

Saki: eh?

Ichika pushes Saki to the floor and she strangles her. Saki starts struggling

Saki: I-Ichi, (gasps) get off me!

Ichika: not until you answer my question!

Saki: p-please, s-stop it

A few seconds of struggling and strangling

Saki: Okay! Okay! I-I-I'll t-talk

Ichika: Fair enough, (lets go)

Saki: hah....haaahh, I hate this kind of confrontation

Ichika: we wouldn't have to go through this confrontation if you would just cooperate

Saki: s-shut up! I-I didn't kill him. I didn't want to kill him! Why don't you listen to me!

Ichika: Aah, so this so called boy was accidentally killed by you

Saki: it's not my f-fault! Okay? It was c-completely up to fate!

Ichika: but you know, fate is often caused by a bunch of small decisions that lead to an outcome

Ichika: did fate just randomly happen to you?

Saki: Uuaaghh...I hate you all...this prison, the hospital...and you...!

Saki: I-I w-want to leave this place and watch you s-suffer...! I...I want to run into m-my mom and dad's a-arms again!

Ichika: ooh! Did you snap already? Isn't it to early for someone like you to turn violent?

Saki: S-shut the fuck up! You can stop it with all this!

Ichika: I'll stop if you give me more information about this boy you murdered.

Saki: I-I didn't, h-hash, (pauses) the boy was someone v-very close to me and taught me everything too. I-is that good enough for you?

Ichika: Can you elaborate on your situation?

Saki: you don't need to get all up on my business

Ichika: but it's my job to do so

Saki: huh? Isn't that totally weird? It's creepy to ignore my privacy

Ichika: (sighs), you know, the more cold you act, the more likely I am to not forgive you

Saki: I-I'm sorry! I'll talk,okay?!

Ichika: go on

Saki: T-This might be a little shocking but I've actually been holed up in a hospital since I could remember. I only knew the cold white walls of the hospital. All I wanted was to be welcomed! I just want to feel warm! Even now, even in milgram! I just want to b-be held by someone! Anyone! No matter what happens! I-

(A gong rings in the interrogation room as metal wiring plays out)

Ichika: ah...prisoner 01, it seems it's time for you to leave

Saki: w-what? There's a time limit?

Ichika: it's unfortunate that we were just starting to get somewhere

(Sake shapes up)

Saki: Bye bye Ichi! I hope that the next prisoner makes you cry

(Saki runs out of the interrogation and loudly slams the door behind her)

Ichika: (thinks) what a weirdo, anyway it's time to see Saki's MV. Now if I do what Miku told me...

Ichika: Now Prisoner 01, sing your sins!

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