Prisoner 03 INTERROGATION: Three leaf clover

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Minori bursts in

Minori: A-AAHHH!

(Minori trips and falls down on her face. She gets up quickly and bows)


Ichika': ...Calm down, (sighs) just go ahead and take a seat. You don't need to apologize.

(Minori quickly sits in the seat across Ichika)

Minori: um...s-s-sorry for being so loud, Ah! I should probably introduce myself, right?

(Minori takes a deep breath)


Minori: Class 1A, student number 21, Minori Hanasato!

Minori: Hobby, copying dance choreographies! My talent coming up with catch phrases!

Ichika:.. I appreciate the introduction

Ichika: you're awfully cheery for someone in your position,

Ichika: Don't you understand why you're in the situation you're in?

Minori: Ah! We'll it's like you said, we're all here because we killed someone, right?

Ichika: Right

Ichika: however, despite all this, you seem to be strangely optimistic

Minori: is that so...?

Minori: Well I can't change what happened already

Ichika: you don't regret it?

Minori: I don't know...

Ichika: well, that aside, how's milgram so far?

Minori: I really like Kohane, Saki, and mizuki. I really like Honami. I enjoy talking to everyone and Haruka...

Ichika: what about Haruka?

Minori: She's absolutely out of this world, you know she used to be a super famous idol!

Minori: I also spent all my money on her concerts and supporting her group.

Minori: she's the only reason why I walk this earth!

(There's a big silent moment as Minori is lost in her fantasies)

Ichika: It seems you really like idols

Minori: Mhm! They shine and deliver hope to everyone to make you smile! I've always dreamed of being one!

Minori: Oh! But I probably have been talking about myself too much. What about you?

Ichika: You want me to introduce myself?

(Minori nods)

Ichika: My name is Ichika and I'm 16...I think?

Ichika: I must apologize, I don't remember anything that happened since I got here

Minori: I-it's okay! It's my fault for asking!

Ichika: By the way, can you answer a question for me?

Minori: Oh sure!

Ichika: You're obsessed with idols, so much so that you want to be one. Have you tried to audition?


Minori: So that's the question you want to ask

(Minori's head and tone lowers)

Minori: Do you know what you need to become an idol?

Ichika: No?

Minori: Well unlike what people say,  hard work barely gets you anywhere

Minori, that's the case with most things , really.

Minori: For example, if you're running a race, it's important to conserve energy

Minori: but in the end, it doesn't matter if everyone else is faster. In other words, it all depends luck.

Minori: it's the same in the idol industry,  the ones on top  are always the ones who are lucky enough to have talent or have things go their way

Minori: I never had that sort of thing.

Minori: Everything I do, no matter what it may be  and no matter how hard I try,

Minori: Everything always ends in failure, to the point where it's to be expected

Minori: I hate the kind of people who have so much luck yet take it all for granted

Minori: those people always are the biggest show offs.

(Ichika smiles)

Ichika: it's interesting to see how you feel so strong about this. Did you kill someone because of your hatred?

Minori:...How do you figure out what I've done?

Ichika: Milgram extracts your memories and turns them into music videos

Minori: I see, in that case...

Minori: Whether you forgive me or not...

(A loud gong sound rings out in the interrogation room as metal wirring begins)

Minori: Please don't hate me

Ichika: what do you mean?

Minori: I'm not sure if I regret what I did

Minori: But I want you to stay by my side

Ichika: Milgram is a three trial system

Minori: eh?

Ichika: And I'm determined to see my job to the end

Ichika: Rest assured that no one will be leaving until I do

Minori: R-really?!

Ichika: even if I don't understand your feelings now, I will make sure I do

Minori: (happy sounds)

Minori: A-ah! W-what if something bad happens to you because of me?!

Ichika: I'm the prison guard. Even if something bad were to happen, I won't be affected. I'll still be here keeping an eye on all of you.

Minori: (exclaims)

(A loud gong sound rings out in the interrogation room as metal wirring begins)

Minori: Eh?! W-w-what's this? Did I explode?

Ichika: For goodness sake, it's just the interrogation ending

Minori: Then you're gonna see everything! This is gonna be super embarrassing!

Minori: Y-you're gonna be extracting songs right? I'm sorry I'm not amazing at singing

Ichika: You don't need to worry. All that's happening is your mental landscape presenting itself through song

(Minori starts walking towards the door)

Minori: Ah! Okay! (To herself) Calm down, Minori, it's okay,

Minori: (takes a deep breath) Okay! Bye Ichika! Have a good day!

(Minori waves and leaves. Ichika takes a deep breath)

Ichika: the way I let you ramble on and on irritates me. Next time I'll make sure to do my job properly

Ichika: Prisoner 03, sing your sins!

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