Prisoner 02 INTERROGATION: Sweet tooth

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Honami: hello ichika, you're a little late

Ichika: it doesn't matter whether I'm late or not. Just introduce yourself

Honami: my name is Honami Mochizuki, I'll be your hou- Ah sorry, it's a habit of mine

Ichika: is that so?

Honami: I used to be a housekeeper

Ichika: What was it like as a housekeeper?

Honami: I don't remember much and I rather not address it, is that alright?

Ichika: Honami, do you know what the job of prison warden requires of me

Honami: um...isn't it to judge our sins?

Ichika:That's part of it but it's also my job to dredge up your painful and uncomfortable thoughts and feelings in order to judge your sins.

Ichika: Therefore, I once again ask that you talk about your sins. After all...murderers don't deserve such leniency

(Silent pauses)

Ichika: Fair enough but if you won't talk about your experience as a housekeeper, will you at least tell me why you became one

Honami:(mumbles) I care for people too much

Ichika: huh?

Honami: I always naturally want to look out for others whether I want to or not.

Honami: hey, Ichika?


Honami: Can you vote me guilty?

Honami: I mean I'm just selfish and murderers don't deserve such leniency right?

Honami: therefore, I want to be voted guilty

Ichika: as the warden, I make the choice to forgive you, not you

Honami: Please, all I ask of you is this, just please don't forgive me so I can die

Honami: Everyone is so much more deserving of an innocent vote then me. Even if they murdered someone, they're not as selfish as me, they're not as horrible as me. Saki is carefree. Minori is so cheerful. Haruka is so confident. Kohane is cute and has loads of potential

Ichika: Prisoner-

Honami: Akito is passionate. Rui is charismatic. Nene is honest even if she's blunt.

Ichika: Prisoner-

Honami: Mafuyu is simply perfect and Mizuki is energetic and super nice. In comparison, I'm just useless and two-faced. No matter what, I'm just selfish no matter how much I try to care for anyone-

(Ichika slaps Honami)

Honami: Gahh!

Ichika: Prisoner 02, Honami Mochizuki!

Honami: ...

Honami: I-it's okay, I wasn't listening anyway. Let's continue from the beginning, shall we?

(A pause)
(Ichika sits back down in the chair)

Ichika: do you enjoy milgram so far?

Honami: it's nice, I'm grateful that you allow us so much freedom. It makes the other prisoners really happy

Ichika: I'm glad to hear that from you



Honami: u-um, as for what it was like as a housekeeper, I don't think it was so bad.

Honami: My clients were all very nice and caring, I always enjoyed helping and caring for other people

Honami: I always looked forward to it everyday, in fact I always end up looking over the prisoners within milgram.

(Honami laughs nervously)

Ichika: is that how you felt about your job?

Honami: Yes! No matter how difficult the day is, being a housekeeper always brightens my day.

Ichika: Ah, Honami...

Ichika: you liar

Honami: huh?

Ichika: you say you enjoy caring for others and yet...

Ichika: earlier you said you absolutely hated caring for others.

Ichika: why is that?

Honami :Ha...haha

Honami: You caught me! I actually really love caring for others, you see.


Ichika: Honami, you should know that milgram extracts memories from your mind.

Ichika: whether you lie or not, all will be revealed to me through milgram.

Ichika: that means it's useless to hide how you feel from me.

Honami: Ichika?

Ichika: no matter what, I'll figure out your feelings and from those...

Ichika: I'll decide whether you are guilty or not

(A loud gong rings throughout the interrogation room as metal wirring begins)

Honami: w-what's that sound?

Ichika: Honami, your interrogation is over, you may leave

Honami: a-alright!

(Honami quickly rushes out but goes back to close the door)

Ichika: haah...Now prisoner 02, sing your sins!

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