Prisoner 05 INTERROGATION: A wolf in sheep's clothing

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(Ichika enters the room)

Ichika: Hello, Prisoner 05

Kohane: A-ah! Um, Hello...

Ichika: How is life in milgram?

Kohane: Oh, um w-well, it's a little scary..

Ichika: Scary? Don't be ridiculous. This is a interrogation, I need to make sure I get you to talk. Especially with a kid like you. 

Kohane: U-um, I'm n-not a kid actually, I'm... 15.

Ichika:Even so, stop stuttering and look at me when you talk. You're not going to sway me with an attitude like that. How am I supposed to do this interrogation properly if you keep doing this

Kohane:(flinches) I-I..uh..sorry

Ichika:Stop apologizing and introduce yourself

Kohane: R-right! Sorry...ah! Um, my name is K-kohane Azusawa

Ichika: I actually thought that you were much younger even if I were told that you were 16. Either way you're still pathetic for acting so immature

Kohane: U-um...If you like I can introduce myself more...!

Kohane: I-I like photography and animals. I-I can! Um...

(A pause)

Ichika: Ahem. You're staring into space

(Kohane gasps before flushing red in embarrassment)

Kohane: I'm sorry!

Ichika: I told you to stop apologizing

Kohane: Right! I...I can play baseball

Ichika: Someone like you enjoys sports, huh? Seems like a joke

Kohane: It's not a joke...! Hitting things is fun for me.

Ichika: I suppose you get some sick rush from crushing people's skulls with a baseball bat.

Kohane: Eek...!

Ichika: Stop squealing, at this point, it's embarrassing

Kohane: P-please stop scaring me...

Ichika: if this can scare you so much then I wonder what is was like for you to murder someone. You can't fool me even if you keep cowering in fear.

Kohane:...please stop. There's enough pressure already...

Ichika: Why should I even listen to you? I'm the guard of this prison, I don't listen to your commands.  Besides, you're still doing fine, leaning on prisoner 04. 

Kohane:Ah! w-well Haruka is actually very nice to me. She-

Ichika: Heh, who knew you'd be so gullible. Even after hanging out with her so much, you don't realize her true nature

Kohane: I-

Ichika: I'd be surprised if someone like her didn't step all over you

Kohane: y-you don't really know her well but-

Ichika: I am the one who peaks into all of your memories, I know you all better than any prisoner in this prison could

Kohane: ...

Kohane: You say that but...isn't that because all the prisoners are hostile to you..?

Ichika: Huh?

Kohane: it's really no wonder that the other prisoners aren't close to you. after all you're so...entitled. It's people like you who piss me off

Ichika: You've got some nerve...!

(Kohane stands up and Ichika prepares to rush at Kohane but she makes no movement, instead staring directly into her eyes)

Kohane: Oh, well there's no point in trying to fight you since it's not fairly matched.

Ichika:Hah! Of course not! I can easily crush you-

Kohane: You have that barrier in the way, don't you?

Kohane: Haruka told me

Kohane: I'm not gonna fight if this fight isn't going to be fair. So remove that barrier

Ichika: T-that's not allowed, Miku said so.

Kohane: Oh? so there's actually someone above you, I thought you were in charge.

Ichika: Stop messing with me!...

Kohane:  Not until I can get I proper fight out of you. It's really been a long time since I killed someone.

Ichika: Eh?

(Kohane looks around and finds the nearest object, a pole.)

Kohane: I've been so bored not doing anything so I'm really itching for I fight. If you're so convinced that you can beat me and you're in charge, then take off that barrier for me.

Ichika: What the heck?! This is an interrogation not a fighting ring!

Kohane: I don't care what it is, you hurt Haruka and you tormented me so you deserve this!

 (Kohane lunges at Ichika and swings the pole, the barrier stops Kohane)



(Ichika kicks Kohane back but Kohane crawls back up and swings again)


Kohane: Milgram, huh? If you're going to continuously judge me like that then it'll lead to your death, I make sure of it.

(Kohane swings again)

Kohane If you say that you aren't swayed by an innocent attitude, then giht me without that barrier!

Ichika: So you're really not gonna stop until I make you

Kohane: of course not, now give me what I want!

Ichika: N-no...! I'm not gonna fight you! I'll give you all the treatment you deserve..!

(Ichika grabs the pole and rips it out of her hands.)

Kohane: Huh?

Kohane: N-no...! fight me properly! STOP HIDING BEHIND THAT STUPID BARRIER!

(Kohane falls to the floor)

Ichika: (Pants) I really misjudged this situation, huh? You're really fucked up in the head

Kohane: Shut up! S-shut the fuck up! you're just afraid

(Kohane starts laughing)

Ichika: You don't lean on Haruka, she just keeps you from becoming the mess that you are.

(Kohane tries to get up to fight but is too tired to)

Kohane: ghhh...! When I take your life...I'll make sure it's derserving of you...uh..hah

(Kohane falls unconscious and Ichika pauses before checking to see if kohane is alive. Ichika wonders what to do but decides to lift Kohane's dead body up and escorts her out the room)


Ichika: Next time, I shouldn't judge a prisoner on outwardly appearances

Ichika: Prisoner 05, sing your sins

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