Prisoner 06 INTERROGATION: Blazing Inferno

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short message: with the power of the new WL mmj cards(omg they're so pretty, I love my queen minori) I bring you this new chapter! after Kohane and Akito's interrogaton questions, I'm gonna take a break bc I have a surprise so enjoy these 3 new chapters. 

(the door opens and Akito comes walking in)

Ichika: Hmm, Prisoner 06 you're late

Akito: So? it's not like there's any clocks here

(Akito takes a seat)

Akito: Let's get this over with

Ichika: Alright, let's start by you introducing yourself, go at your own pace

Akito: I'm akito shinonome...17 years old

Ichika: That's it? 

Akito: what? need my life story?

Ichika: (sighs) I guess we can't get much out of people like you. How's life in Milgram?

Akito: I don't like this place or anyone in it

Ichika: let's get to the point, I've heard from multiple sources about your...emotional outbursts so let's talk about the cause behind that.

Akito: Gh...why you...! It doesn't matter, it's just a normal reaction to something like this. Besides I've been improving.

Ichika: and yet everyone seems to be taking this better or at least more quietly than you are.

Akito: That's because everyone is either stupid or complacent. If no one else has the sense to say something then it's up to me!

Ichika: For the past few days, you've mostly either been crying or yelling, you rarely calm down

Akito: S-shut up..1 just because I'm doing the hard work doesn't mean that I can't cry sometimes

Ichika: Ha ha! It seems like we're actually getting somewhere. So you don't like being undermined, huh? 

Ichika: despite being so weak...

Akito: I'm not gonna sit down and take your shit...!

Ichika: Then how would you take it if other people called you weak, Haruka for example.

Akito: well then they can say it to my face! I can easily take them in a fight!

Ichika: how would that even prove anything and besides you would probably get beaten to a pulp, so it would probably be better if you didn't fight at all 

(a pause)

Ichika: (sighs) It's nice to see someone so funny for once

Akito: you call this funny?!

Ichika: if you're mad you can try to hit me 

(Akito tries to punch Ichika but the barrier appears)

Akito: AGH! that fucking stings!

Ichika: do you know how many prisoners have tried to hurt me, it's actually shocking that you gave up instead of getting angrier. 

Akito: Well who would try again after seeing you're so clearly immune...!

Ichika: well at least you know your place. it seems you're not like others say.

Ichika: I find it intriguing how you actually wear your heart on your sleeve.

Akito: what?

Ichika: I wonder why it's so hard for you to open up like this. 

Akito: I don't know what you're talking about...

Ichika: Hah...what I'm trying to say is...

Ichika: My job as Milgram's warden is to learn your sins and judge them through music videos.

Ichika: So to make my job easier, it'd be better if you were more vulnerable

Akito: ...

Akito: Don't you have those music videos or whatever

Ichika: Since you can't understand even this, let me put it in the simplest terms so that someone like you can understand,

Ichika:  please stop acting so tough, you're too easy to see through to the point where it's sad. 

(Akito is about to say something gong rings out and machinery starts whirring)

Ichika: It's seem like the interrogation is over.

Akito:(walks to the door) this whole thing was pointless.

(akito leaves and closes the door)

Ichika: Well, prisoner 06, sing your sins!

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