Prisoner 04 INTERROGATION: Blue

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Short message: Hi guys! I'm back from my 3-week break and I finished all of my work so now I can focus on writing this story! I'm so happy that so many people are reading and enjoying this and I hope that you can appreciate all the chapters to come. That's all, enjoy Haruka's interrogation!

(Ichika enters the room)

Haruka: Hm? Oh, we're getting a little unprofessional, aren't we?

Ichika: Being professional is the least of Milgram's problems, it doesn't matter when I arrive

Haruka: Ah, so you do know of its flaws. How interesting

Ichika: What are you trying to suggest?

Haruka: Oh nothing. It's just that everything feels slower. Not surprising considering having a running conversation certainly makes things easier.

Ichika: Introduce

Haruka: Uninterested in what I have to say? Oh well, My name is Haruka Kiritani, 17 years old. I used to be a famous idol before this. In fact, my debut was extremely successful.

Ichika: You used to be an idol...And you still murdered someone?

Haruka: Why of course. Anyone can murder, can't they?

Ichika: I suppose it's just a little surprising with the last three prisoners in mind.

Haruka: Prisoner 01, 02, and 03? They're similar in a way. Prisoner 01 may be a little eccentric with her constantly switching on and off so she's a little hard to read. Prisoner 02 is much easier. She's a total mess but she's so easy to manipulate and she goes along with what anyone says. It's like she doesn't even have a brain. It's the same way with prisoner 03, she listens to whatever I tell her without question. It's honestly hilarious

Ichika: I see, Haruka. So you can easily read people and figure things out. It's not a special case, many people in a bored state will start to seek things out

Haruka: Do I look that special to you? Although, I can't blame you. I was definitely a big hit before anyone could arrest me in the first place. That definitely makes me stand out compared to the other...rivals here.

Ichika: Rivals? You just got here and made enemies already?

Haruka: Don't act so shocked when it's basically programmed to happen in a place like this. Forcing a bunch of mentally ill murderers in a space, you're basically asking for these animals to tear into each other.

Ichika: Is that your philosophy?

Haruka: My philosophy or whatever you want to call it. It's all from experience. I really hate the kind of people who judge the things they don't even understand

Ichika: Does this apply to me?

Haruka: 'It's not a special case,' Ichika, what I said applies to everyone.

Ichika: Don't try to fucking mock me. You're just some bitch with her head up her own ass. Don't act like you're so above everyone here. You're all murderers. It's my job and I can judge you however I want. Murderer is immoral, I don't need experience

Haruka: Hm? Ichika, you're also immoral for judging me without experience. With that sort of mindset, you'll never be able to place yourself in someone else's shoes. The idea that you can't judge anyone with no experience and no consequences is so weak it's stupid.

Ichika: You're saying that as a hypocrite?

Haruka: What's so hypocritical?

Ichika: You just judged the last three prisoners earlier

Haruka: Ichika, it seems you're not understanding. I'm a murderer and I have no problem with that. After all, I earned that title. If you even mention the word murder around the other prisoners, they start shaking and panicking. My judgment stands and there is no hypocrisy.

Ichika: Then are you proud of your crimes

Haruka: Prideful? I did what I had to do.

Ichika: Is there any prisoners that interest you?

Haruka: Well, prisoner 5 is certainly interesting. An innocent girl doing something like murder is funny, isn't it? Prisoner 9 rarely comes out of her room, I can hardly get anything off her. But everyone else is just plain boring but they're cracking under the pressure.

Ichika: And you're not?

Haruka: Whether I am doesn't matter

Ichika: Haruka: answer the question


( a pause)

Ichika: Haruka, come here

( Haruka walks over and Ichika slaps her. Haruka yelps in pain)

Haruka:...why did you do that? Y-you, you know I can easily beat you, right?

Ichika: Well then, why do you try?

(Haruka rushes forward and tries to punch her. Haruka freezes in the air and struggles to break free.)

Haruka: W-what is happening...?

Ichika: You can't hurt me

Haruka: L-liar! I'll make you suffer!

(Haruka pulls back and grabs Ichika's arms and starts digging her nails into her skin. Ichika slams her into the wall)

Ichika: During idol training, did they not teach you to respect your superiors?

Haruka: I could easily kill those stupid higher-ups even if they had weapons. Do you think that I can't do the same with you!

(Haruka tries to hurt Ichika with failed attempts, tiring herself out before falling to the floor)

Ichika: Despite all your talk, you're really just naive.

Haruka: S-shut up...! You're the naive one! Whoever decided for you to be a prison guard is really stupid because you can't understand anything! You're completely unworthy

Ichika: If anything, you have less worth than me if you're in the hands of me. Someone like you really is in no position to judge others.

Haruka: You know, I don't think you're any more innocent than me. After all, you just judge people based on what you think and if anyone gets in the way, you just use violence to get your way.

Haruka: You're nothing but a worthless hypocritical idiot who was given some stupid title with no worth

Ichika: Get out, the interrogation is over

Haruka: Oh, you give up as soon as things get hard? how sad.

(Haruka starts walking to the door before stopping)

Haruka: Murderer

(Haruka leaves Ichika in her angry state. A gong rings out in the interrogation room)

Ichika: Little bitch... (sighs) Prisoner 04, sing your sins!

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