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  𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 | 𝐌𝐨

Due to my mother dropping off Ava early, I decided to make some breakfast. Rashun was still getting over his hang over

"here, drink this" I smiled handing him a cup of orange juice

"what you drugging me too?" Rashun laughed "no and I thought you ain't remember anything" I chuckled

"Ion remember nun but Mario saying he think somebody drugged me" Rashun sat up

Ava sat in her chair dancing & eating "Mario said you came out the bathroom saying you just got some head" I looked

"what you mean? yeen come with us" Rashun chuckled, I looked at him for a minute

"you tryna say I fucked somebody?" Rashun scrunched his face up

"don't worry about it, I'll handle it" I got up and went to the room to get dressed

"nah man what's going on? Mo I cheated on you?" Rashun followed me

"I said i'll handle it, I don't know what happen I wasn't there" I shrugged

"yeah ight" He sucked his teeth and headed back downstairs.

I threw on a white tank top, denim tear jeans and some rick owen's.

"where you going?" Rashun looked at me with Ava in his arms as I walked down the stairs.

"I told you I'll handle it, I'll be back" I kissed his lips and kissed Ava's forehead making her giggle

I walked out to the car instantly driving away, I knew exactly what happened last night based on what Mario told me.

I parked in front of the club, grabbing my purse from the passenger seat.

Walking in I seen Nuni talking to another worker, I rolled my eyes & sat my purse down on the bar counter.

Nuni rolled her eyes "can I get you something girl?"

"I'm not your girl, watch your mouth" I looked

"girl you got this one sided beef with me, I never did shit to you" Nuni chuckled

I jumped over the bar counter grabbing her hair, I pulled her around and threw her to the ground stomping her.

"aye aye!" The security came after seeing blood all over the floor "bitch!" she yelled holding her face

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