Chapter 2

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Natasha called the Bartons while the team was on their way to the compound so Wanda could talk to Pietro. When the younger woman took the phone Natasha tried to give her as much privacy as she could in the small area.

Steve looked upset that they failed, but something else seemed to be bothering him and Natasha knew it was Bucky. Sam seemed worried about Wanda as he wouldn't stop looking at her with an empathetic look.

"You think she'll be okay," Sam asked when Natasha sat next to him.

Natasha said, "I think she'll fell better once she sees her brother, but what just happened will take time."

Sam nodded and Natasha watched as he walked up to Wanda after she hung up the phone and sat next to her, trying to offer some support to the younger woman.

When they reached their destination, Pietro ran in the quinjet to see his sister and Natasha headed to the lab where she knew Bruce was working.

"Hey," she said when she saw her boyfriend upon entering the room.

"Hey," he replied while taking off his glasses. "I saw what happened on the news. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm not hurt," she reassured him.

"Is Wanda okay? There's footage of her all over the place."

"She's shaken up. She's never accidentally killed that many people before, especially while losing control of her powers."

"I know how that feels. I'll talk to her."

Natasha looked at the screen next to her showing DNA scans with the word "gamma," then her eyes wandered to Bruce's desk, noticing the needle.

"Bruce," Natasha said softly as she rolled up his sleeve to his elbow, which didn't have any marks because of his quick healing factor.

Bruce had been experimenting with gamma radiation for the past few months, while giving the Big Guy more control on missions and finding better ways to communicate with him. So far it had been working, but there were times when the gamma effects were too much. Sometimes Bruce had to leave the lab just to let the Hulk roam free for a few days in the woods. He had made it clear that he wasn't merging with the Big Guy again, but Bruce wanted to make the Hulk stronger and smarter so he wouldn't lose to Thanos again.

"Just a bit of blood work," he explained. "Then a bit of gamma. Still working things out."

Natasha nodded, reminding herself that he knew the Big Guy better than she did and was an expert on gamma radiation.

He pressed his forehead to hers and continued, "I promise, I'm being careful. I didn't trigger a hulk-out, which is progress."

Natasha nodded and when he broke the moment, she and Bruce walked into the hallway then parted ways while he went upstairs to talk to Wanda. Natasha went over to Steve, knowing that he also wanted to talk to Wanda.

"Bruce has this one," she told him. Steve nodded while giving a small smile and went in the other direction.

Natasha heard the door open and saw a defeated looking Tony walk inside. She went towards him, knowing whatever was wrong had to do the accords.

"Can we talk privately," he asked her once she reached him.

She nodded and they headed toward the lab. Once they were in the room Tony said, "I saw Ross after my lecture at M.I.T. He threatened to arrest Bruce and I for creating Ultron if I didn't sign these accords he put in place. I looked over them and... they seem like a good idea. I'm signing. Can you tell me what you know?"

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