Chapter 9

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Once they reached their destination, Natasha took Bruce's hand and he halted in his tracks just before they reached the ramp. He had been quiet the entire way there and now she was worried.

"What's wrong," she asked, as she turned to face him with her hand still in his.

She could see the wheels turning in his head as he replied, "I don't like where all of this is heading."

Natasha stepped closer to him and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Everything with the team, Tony and Steve at odds, people choosing a side. I knew this was coming but seeing it firsthand... it doesn't sit right with me."

"Everything happening and going to happen is between Tony and Steve. Wanda and Vision won't let it come between them, and we know that everyone else will be willing to work together when we need to."

"I... I just wish Tony and Steve would stop taking everyone down with them. I understand how Tony's going to feel when he finds out about his parents, but the airport fight, Rhodey getting hurt and half the team getting arrested as a result? Does it really have to come to that?"

Natasha stayed silent as she pressed her forehead to his. She knew he was right, but there was nothing they could do to prevent what was coming. The damage had been done when half of the team signed the accords and the others didn't.

Bruce broke the moment but continued to hold her hand as they walked down the ramp and towards the building. She knew if he had his way then the team wouldn't be at odds with each other or making a deal with Ross at all.

When they were inside, the couple walked into a room where they were greeted by Tony.

"Hey," the engineer said. "I was the first one here. Ross is sending Steve and a few of the others in a government car."

"Geez," Bruce said under his breath in an annoyed tone.

"You two might want to cut the PDA," Tony said quietly. "Ross has eyes everywhere and if he questions where Natasha's loyalties lie then it won't be good for either one of you."

Natasha knew their friend was looking out for them, but she kept a firm hold on Bruce's hand as she said, "No."

She wasn't going to make Ross happy just because she signed a piece of paper, and she definitely wasn't going to stop holding Bruce's hand for her own protection.

Bruce was pacing when the others arrived a few minutes later, and she left to greet them while Tony answered a phone call. Natasha saw a few of Ross' people eyeing her as if she was one of the general's enemies. By aligning herself with Bruce she technically was, but Ross couldn't touch her yet and as long as Bruce didn't turn green Ross couldn't touch him either.

After greeting Sam and Steve, Natasha and Bruce stayed outside the room where Steve was talking to Tony. The engineer was trying to get him to sign the accords, which she knew wouldn't work.

Bruce stayed by her side as if he was afraid that she'd get hurt, and she noticed him looking around. The wheels in his head were turning as his eyes shifted.

"Bruce, what do you know," she asked in Latin.

"When I lived in Mexico, Tony told me what happened here," he replied in the same language. "Will you be okay?"

She switched back to English, "He'll grab my neck with his arm, but that's it."

Bruce nodded while looking ahead and remained silent. She knew he didn't like her getting hurt, especially by a super soldier with a metal arm.

When Bruce was called to look over Bucky, she stayed behind. Science was his territory while computer hacking and spying was hers. He looked back and smiled at her, causing her to smile back.

After a few minutes of silence, the Winter Soldier broke out. Natasha ran towards the area to see Bruce ducking and defending himself. Then Bucky punched him in the stomach and Natasha could see Bruce's eyes turn green, but he was in control.

Before Bruce had the chance to defend himself, Natasha ran up and head locked Barnes using her legs and tried to knock him out by punching him in the head. It didn't work and the man kept walking before getting her off of him and choking her.

"You could at least recognize me," she said referring to all those years ago when he nearly killed her and gave her a scar as a reminder.

He finally let go when another attack came towards him, she took a breath and began coughing. Bruce came to her side, helping her up and getting her out of the way. Once they were at a safe distance from the fighting and Barnes was going up the stairs, Bruce lightly cupped her face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said as she nodded.

He looked her over and said, "There's not a bruise forming or any visible swelling. Are you breathing okay?"

She nodded and took a breath to prove it to him. Her throat only stung a bit on the outside.

"Is the Big Guy contained?"

"Yeah," he answered gruffly. "Someone triggered the programing before I could get to him."

The two separated and went to find Steve and Barnes before they escaped.

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